Return server address
Request. Server variable ["Path_Info"]
Path information provided by the client
Request. Server variable ["Application physical path"]
The physical path corresponding to the application metabase path.
Request. server variables[" Path _ Translated "]
Path obtained by mapping from virtual to physical.
Request. Server variable ["script name"]
The name of the execution script
Request. Server variable ["query string"]
Query string content
Request. server variables[" Http _ Referer "]
Requested string content
Request. Server variable ["server port"]
The port number of the server accepting the request.
Request. Server variable ["remote address"]
The IP address of the remote host making the request.
Request. Server Variable ["Remote Host"]
The name of the remote host that made the request.
Request. ServerVariables["Local_Addr"]
Returns the address of the server that accepts the request.
Request. ServerVariables["Http_Host"]
Return server address
Request. Server variable ["server name"]
Host name, DNS address or IP address of the server.
Request. Server Variable ["Request Method"]
Methods of making requests, such as GET, HEAD, POST, etc.
Request. Server variable ["server port security"]
1 if the server port accepting the request is a secure port, otherwise 0.
Request. Server variable ["server protocol"]
The name and version of the protocol used by the server.
Request. Server variable ["server software"]
The name and version of the server software that responds to the request and runs the gateway.
Request. ServerVariables["All_Http"]
All HTTP headers sent by the client are prefixed with HTTP_
Request. ServerVariables["All_Raw"]
All HTTP headers sent by the client are the same as the results sent by the client, and there is no prefix HTTP_.
Request. Server variable ["Appl_MD_Path"]
The metabase path of the application.
Request. Server variable ["Content_Length"]
The length of the content sent by the client
Request. ServerVariables["Https"]
Returns ON if the request is through a secure channel (SSL) and OFF if the request is from an insecure channel.
Request. ServerVariables["Instance_ID"]
ID number of IIS instance.
Request. Server variable ["Instance Metapath"]
The metabase path of the IIS instance that responded to the request
Request. server variables[" Http _ Accept _ Encoding "]
The content returned is: gzip, deflate.
Request. server variables[" Http _ Accept _ Language "]
The content returned is as follows: en-us.
Request. server variables[" Http _ Connection "]
Back to content: keep alive
Request. ServerVariables["Http_Cookie"]
Return content: the value of Cookie.
Request. server variables[" Http _ User _ Agent "]
Return content: Mozilla/4.0 [compatible; MSIE6.0windows nt 5. 1; SV 1]
Request. Server variable ["Https_Keysize"]
The number of bits of the secure socket layer connection keyword, such as 128.
Request. server variables[" Https _ secret keysize "]
The server verifies the number of the private keyword, for example, 1024.
Request. Server variable ["Https_Server_Issuer"]
Issuer field of server certificate
Request. Server variable [" Https _ server _ subject "]
Subject field of server certificate
Request. server variables[" Auth _ Password "]
The password entered by the customer in the password dialog box when using basic authentication mode.
Request. ServerVariables["Auth_Type"]
Is the authentication method used by the server to verify users when they access protected scripts.
Request. ServerVariables["Auth_User"]
User name of the certificate.
Request. ServerVariables["Cert_Cookie"]
Unique customer certificate ID number
Request. Server variable ["Cert_Flag"]
Client certificate flag, if there is a client certificate, bit0 is 0. If the client certificate verification is invalid, bit 1 is set to 1.
Request. Server variable ["Cert_Issuer"]
Publisher field in user certificate
Request. Server variable ["Cert_Keysize"]
The number of bits of the secure socket layer connection keyword, such as 128.
Request. server variables[" Cert _ secret keysize "]
The server verifies the number of the private keyword, for example, 1024.
Request. Server variable ["certificate serial number"]
Serial number field of customer certificate
Request. ServerVariables[ "certificate server issuer"]
Issuer field of server certificate
Request. Server Variable ["Certificate Server Subject"]
Subject field of server certificate
Request. Server variable ["Cert_Subject"]
Subject field of customer certificate
Request. Server variable ["Content_Type"]
The form content sent by the customer or the data type of HTTPPUT.