1 tcpmux TCP port service multiplexing
5 rje remote operation entrance
7 echo echo service
9 discard the empty service for connection test.
1 1 systat is used to list the system status of the connected ports.
13 daytime sends the date and time to the requesting host.
17 qotd sends daily aphorisms to connected hosts.
18 msp message protocol
19 chargen character generation service; Send a steady stream of characters
20 ftp-data FTP data port
2 1 ftp file transfer protocol (ftp) port; Sometimes used by file service protocol (FSP)
22 ssh secure shell (ssh) service
23 telnet Telnet service
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (smtp)
37 time-time protocol
39 rlp resource location protocol
42 name server Internet name service
43 nicname WHOIS directory service
49 tacacs is used in the access control system of terminal access controller based on TCP/IP authentication and access.
50 re-mail-ck remote mail inspection protocol
53 domain name service (such as BIND)
63 WHOIS++ WHOIS++ is an extended WHOIS service.
BOOTP startup protocol (BOOTP) service; It is also used by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service.
68 bootpc clients; Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) customers also use it.
TFTP small file transfer protocol (TFTP)
70 gopher Gopher internet file search and retrieval
7 1 netrjs- 1 remote operation service
72 netrjs-2 remote job service
73 netrjs-3 remote job service
73 netrjs-4 remote job service
79 Finger service to obtain user contact information
80 sat] asynchronous mail client (biff) and service (comsat)
5 13/tcp login remote login (rlogin)
5 13/udp who [whod] login user list
5 14/tcp shell [cmd] Remote shell(rshell) and remote replication (rcp), without login.
5 14/udp syslog UNIX system log service
5 15 printer [spooler] printer (lpr) spools
5 17/udp talk remote dialogue service and customers
5 18/udp ntalk network chat (ntalk), remote dialogue service and customers.
519 utime [unix time] unix unix time protocol (utime)
520/tcp efs Extended File Name Server (efs)
520/udp Router Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
52 1 ripng is a routing information protocol of Internet protocol version 6(IPv6).
525 Timing [Time Server] Time Daemon (Timing)
526/tcp speed [new date] speed
530/tcp Messenger [rpc] Messenger Remote Procedure Call (rpc) Protocol
53 1/tcp conference [chat] Internet relay chat
532 network news network news
533/udp network wall is a network wall for emergency broadcasting.
540/tcp uucp [uucpd] Unix-to-Unix replication service
543/tcp klogin Kerberos Version 5(v5) Remote Login
544/tcp kshell Kerberos Version 5(v5) Remote Shell
548 afpovertcp adopts Appletalk file preparation protocol (AFP) of transmission control protocol (tcp).
556 remotefs [RFS _ server, RFS] brunhoff's remote file system (rfs)
Table C-2. UNIX specific ports
Table C-3 lists the ports submitted by the network and software community to IANA for formal registration in the port number list.
Description of port number/layer name
1080 socks network application proxy service
1236 bvcontrol [rmtcfg] garcilis packeten remote configuration server [a]
1300 h323hostcallsc H.323 telephone safety of conference hosts.
1433 Microsoft SQL server
1434 Microsoft sql monitor
1494 ica Citrix ICA customers
1512 wins Microsoft windows internet name server.
1524 ingreslock Ingres management system (DBMS) locking service
1525 prospero -np unprivileged prospero
1645 data metrics[ old RADIUS]data metrics/ previous radius project.
1646 sa-msg-port [old Rada CCT] sa-msg-port/former radacct project.
1649 kermit Kermit file transfer and management service
170 1 l2tp [l2f] Layer 2 Tunneling Service (LT2P)/ Layer 2 Forwarding (l2f)
1718h323 gatedisc h.323 telecom gatekeeper discovery mechanism
1719h323gatestat h.323 telecom gatekeeper status.
1720 h323hostcall H.323 telecom hosting phone settings
1758 tftp-mcast small file ftp multicast
1759 mtftp multicast small file FTP(MTFTP)
1789 hello Hello router communication port
1812 radius dial-up authentication and accounting service
18 13 radius -ACCT radius bookkeeping
19 1 1 MTP Starlight Network Multimedia Transfer Protocol (MTP)
1985 hsrp Cisco hot standby router protocol
1986 license daemon Cisco license management daemon
1997 gdp Port Cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol (gdp)
2049 nfs [nfsd] Network File System (nfs)
2 102 zephyr-srv Zephyr informs the transmission and sending server.
2 103 west wind -CLT west wind service -hm connection
2 104 manager of Xifeng -hm Zephyr hotel.
240 1 cvspserver parallel version system (CVS) client/server operation
2430/tcp venus is used as venus cache manager of Coda file system (codacon port).
2430/udp venus acts as venus cache manager (callback /wbc interface) of Coda file system.
Side effects of 2431/tcpvenus-severus transmission control protocol (TCP)
Side effects of 243 1/udp Venus -se Venus User Datagram Protocol (udp)
2432/udp codasrv Coda file system server port
TCP side effects of 2433/tcp codasrv-se Coda file system
Side effects of UDP SFTP in 2433/udp codasrv-se Coda file system
2600 HPSTGMGR[zebrasrv]HPSTGMGR; Zebra routing
260 1discp-client [zebra] discp customers; Zebra integrated shell
2602 discp-server [ripd] discp server; Routing information protocol daemon (ripd)
2603 servicemeter [ripngd] service measurement; RIP daemon for IPv6.
2604 NSC-CCS[OS pfd]NSC CCS; Open shortest path priority daemon (ospfd)
2605 NSC-POSA NSC POSA; Border network protocol daemon (bgpd)
2606 netmon [ospf6d] Dell netmon; OSPF daemon for IPv6 (ospf6d)
2809 corbaloc Common Object Request Broker System (CORBA) Naming Service Locator
3 130 icpv2 internet caching protocol version 2 (v2); Used by Squid proxy cache server.
3306 mysql MySQL database service
3346 trnsprntproxy Trnsprnt proxy
40 1 1 pxe pre-execution environment (pxe) service
432 1 rwhois remote Whois(rwhois) service
4444 krb524 Kerberos version 5(v5) to version 4(v4) ticket converter
5002 rfe Radio Frequency Ethernet (rfe) Audio Broadcasting System
5308 Cfengine configuration engine (Cfengine)
5999 cvsup [CVSup] CVSup file transfer and update tool
6000 x 1 1 [X] X window system service
7000 afs 3- File Server Andrew File System (AFS) File Server
700 1 afs 3- Call back the AFS port, which is used to call back the cache manager.
7002 afs3-prserver AFS user and group database
7003 afs3-vlserver AFS file volume location database
7004 AFS 3-Kaserverfs Kerberos authentication service
7005 afs3-volser AFS file volume management server
7006 AFS 3-ErrorAFS Error Interpretation Service
7007 afs3-bos AFS Basic Monitoring Process
7008 afs 3- Update AFS Server-to-Server Update Program
7009 afs3-rmtsys AFS remote cache manager service
9876 sd session controller
10080 amanda Advanced Maryland Automated Network Disk Archiver (amanda) backup service
1 137 1 PGP key server Good Privacy (PGP)/GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) public key server.
1 1720H323 call signal alternation
13720 bprd VERITAS netbackup request daemon (bprd)
13721BP DBM VERITAS netbackup database manager (bpdbm)
13722bp Java-msvc VERITAS netbackup Java/Microsoft visual c++(msvc) protocol.
13724 vnetd Veritas network tool
13782 bpcd Vertias net backup
13783 voped Veritas voped protocol
22273 wnn6 [wnn4] Kana/Chinese character conversion system [c]
26000 hammer of Raytheon (and related) multiplayer game server
26208 wnn6-ds
/windows/2884 15.htm, which is comprehensive and can be used for reference.