If the winter snow has dyed the earth white, it is not far away, and the spring breeze will definitely blow the fields green; If the spring breeze blows the fields green, it will not be far away, and the summer rain will certainly moisten and irrigate the seedlings; If the summer rain nourishes the seedlings to grow sturdily, it will not be far away, and the sunshine will definitely dye the wheat fields yellow; If the golden wheat field appears in front of your eyes, it is not far away, and autumn frost will definitely dye it red, which is the law of seasonal changes; If you are still young, you will not be long. Time will definitely make your temples white and you will walk hard. No one can escape this rule. This is the law of life cycle; People will not be young forever, but will be in a hurry for decades. Time makes people old. We must admit that time is limited and no one can do everything. If ants want to eat an elephant, they must eat it bit by bit and do the same thing. If they want to accomplish everything and realize all their dreams, they must be down-to-earth, start from bit by bit, start from now, and turn themselves into activists with the will, courage and confidence of ants to eat elephants. Most people who lack mobility are naive and like to wait for things to happen naturally. They naively think that others will care about their affairs. In fact, no one is interested in them except themselves. People are only interested in their own affairs. Only by relying on oneself can a person live up to himself and increase his chances of controlling his destiny. The most frustrating thing in life is that you want to do so many things that you don't have enough time to do them. It's that you think that everything has many steps, and you are so shocked by the emotion that you can't do it that you can't do anything. The real basis for people to judge your ability is not how much you have in your mind, but your actions. People believe in down-to-earth people, and they will think: this person dares to say and do, and he must know how to do the best. I haven't heard of anyone being praised for not bothering others, not taking action or waiting for orders from others. To have the habit of doing it now, the most important thing is to have a proactive spirit, get rid of the lax habit, and be determined to be a proactive person and be brave in doing things. Don't wait until everything is ready, and there will never be absolutely perfect things. To cultivate the habit of action, you don't need special wisdom or skills, just work hard to make good habits blossom and bear fruit in life. Do it now, and you will reach the other side of success; Only by working hard can we get the joy of victory; Only when you really pay, you will get something; Only by constant pursuit can we taste a strong and mellow life. Opportunity will not always be a farmer who loves to wait for rabbits. Those giants who successfully despise language, dwarfs who act, and those who taste the fruits of victory are often people who aim high. Those who only raise their swords and dare not fight are not warriors, those who only wave flags and shout without charging are not good soldiers, and those who only shout slogans and do not act will only lead a mediocre life. Perhaps, you have struggled all your life and have not reached the other side of success; Perhaps, you have climbed all your life, but you have not reached the ideal peak. At that time, you may lose confidence and doubt your ability. At this time, you should tell yourself that everyone fails sometimes. No matter how much preparation you have made and how long you have thought about it, it is inevitable that you will make mistakes when you really start doing it. Injured matadors are not necessarily warriors, and those who dare to face failure are not necessarily heroes. Don't care too much about the results of your efforts. Work hard and you will have a clear conscience. If you struggle, you will have a successful life. The road of life, don't need to do too much preparation. As long as you move forward firmly, the road will extend under your feet and form a good habit of doing it now. This habit is like a rope twisted by countless thin threads. If we do one or more things we want to do every day, the rope will get thicker and stronger, and finally it will be too thick to break. This rope will lead us to the peak we want to climb. I hope each of us has such a rope. Non - original
Jade Bird Q Rainbow Sugar 2012-11-165438+
Other answers
Do it now.
Life is a great battle.
Opportunity comes from opportunity.
Bad habits will manipulate us and affect our success or failure. It is easy to cultivate, but difficult to serve.
Successfully putting a good idea into practice is much more valuable than imagining a thousand good ideas at home.
Rockefeller's letter to his son:
Dear John:
I always remember what smart people say. A wise man said well, "education covers many aspects, but he doesn't teach you any of them." This wise man showed us a truth: if you don't take action, the most practical, beautiful and feasible philosophy in the world won't work.
I have always believed that opportunities come from opportunities. Even the best idea has defects. Even a very ordinary plan, if it is really implemented and continues to develop, will be much better than a good plan that is abandoned halfway, because the former will be implemented from beginning to end, while the latter will be abandoned. So, I said, there is no secret to success. If life is to be a positive result, it is good to have extraordinary intelligence and special talents, and there is nothing wrong with it. As long as you are willing to take active actions, you will get closer and closer to success.
Unfortunately, many people don't remember this biggest lesson, and as a result, they become mediocre people. Look at those ordinary people, and you will find that they are all passive. They say far more than they do, or even just say no. But they are almost all experts in making excuses, and they will find all kinds of excuses to delay until they finally prove that they should not, can't do it or it is too late.
Compared with this kind of person, I seem to be much smarter and more cunning. Mr. Gates touted me as an active actor. I'm glad to flatter you like this, because I haven't failed it. Positive action is another sign of me. I never like talking on paper, and I don't like empty talk. Because I know that there is no result without action, and there is nothing in the world that is not obtained by putting ideas into practice. As long as people are alive, they should consider action.
Many people admit that knowledge without wisdom foundation is useless, but what is even more frustrating is that even with knowledge and wisdom, if there is no action, everything is still empty talk. Action and full preparation can actually be regarded as two sides of the same object. Life must be enough. Too much preparation but delay in action will only waste time. In other words, everything must be controlled. We can't fall into the trap of continuous exercise and planning, but we must admit the reality: no matter how detailed the plan is, we still can't accurately predict the final solution.
Of course, I don't deny that planning is very important. Planning is the first step to achieve favorable results, but planning is not action and cannot replace action. Just like playing golf, if you don't play the first hole, you can't play the second hole. Action solves everything. Nothing will happen without action. We can't buy foolproof insurance in any case, but what we can do is to make up our minds to carry out our plan.