China Game Center TCP 8000
Lianzhong World TCP 2000 200 1 2002 3004
Netease bubble UDP 400 1
Winger network game world TCP 4000
China weiqi net TCP 9696
Stupid apple game interactive network UDP 5000
Shanghai hotline game channel TCP 8000
Case empire game online TCP 2050
Fang Hao TCP 1203
Online winner TCP 800 1
Securities star Tcp 8888
What is the port number of lianzhong game?
1007 black chess
2000 game room
2002 chat room
2005 mahjong
3030 hearts war
3050 gobang
3060 bridge
3 100 checkers
3200 China Chess
3300 chess
3400 Guo Jun Chess
4000~40 10 GICQ
Go at 3000
300 1 Tetris
3002 struck three and hit one.
3003 fighting landlords
3004 upgrade
3005 Soha Street
Princess 3006
3007 is enough
3008 double buckle
30 10 runs fast
30 12 flying chess
30 13 puzzle
30 15 billiards
30 16 atom
30 17 5 10k
30 18 inhibits 7
30 19 black and white chess
3020 hoeing
302 1 land speculation
3022 bomber
3023 knock on three rooms
Game port range
& gt 1 conqueror 1.0 40625 40629
On> conqueror1.0c40000.00000000605
& gt3 Roman Renaissance 40825 40829
& gt4 Age of Empires 40525 40527
& gt6 CS Counter-Terrorism Elite1.5 27115 27130
& gt7 CS Counter-Terrorism Elite Team Training Zone 273 15 273 18
& gt8 CS Counter-Terrorism Classic Zone 274 15 274 17
& gt9 CS Counter-Terrorism Elite Server Zone 275 15 27530
& gt 10 CS counter-terrorism elite1.6 27215 27217
& gt 1 1 starcraft 6116120.
& gt 12 warcraft 3 62 1 1 6220
& gt 13 Frozen Throne 63 1 1 63 18
& gt 14 red alert 3000 3004
& gt 15 *** and Guo Zhihui 3200 3202
& gt 16 revenge of red guards Yuri 3 100 3 102
& gt Delta Force11762417626.
& gt 18 delta force 3 37624 37626
& gt 19 FIFA
& gt20 FIFA2003 2 148 2 149
& gt2 1 Heroes Invincible 3 3333 3334
& gt22 raid1.1.50060.60060666666
& gt23 Speed Requirement 2 2206 2207
& gt24 Demand for Speed 3 2306 2307
& gt25 Speed requirement 5 2406 2407
& gt26 Diablo I 71117112
& gt27 Diablo II 72117212
& gt28 meteor butterfly sword 37 105 37 107
& gt29 F 16 26000 2600 1
& gt30 F22 10022 10023
& gt32 FIFA 2004 2248 2250
& gt3 1 CS Counter-Terrorism Elite Rookie World 270 15 270 17
Shock wave port
Tcp: 135, 137, 139,445
Msn port:
Tcp 1863,443
Msn file transfer: the port is tcp 689 1-6900 and so on.
The port of BT is tcp:688 1~6890.
Port TCP of emule: 4661-4669.
TCP port of Thunder: 3077
Poco port: udp:9000 udp:5356 tcp:5354.
After screening the following address (16), pp 2005 cannot log in.
58. 17.4. 10
60.24. 125. 13
60. 145. 1 16.233
60. 176. 133.73
60. 179.0.49
60.2 1 1.7. 149
6 1.47. 144.27
6 1. 167. 193.65
6 1. 145. 1 18.2 18
202. 12 1.50.5 1
2 18.75. 1 10. 195
220. 175.8.84
220. 175.8. 100
222.33. 1 16. 192
3300/3550 Input/Output A3
3724 i/o Warcraft
6 1 12 i/o Warcraft
688 1 Input/Output Warcraft
6999 i/o Warcraft
7777 i/o Illusion: Klingon Guard of Honor
7778 i/o Illusion: Tournament
22450 i/o Sin
26,000 input/output earthquakes
26900 I/O Hexene World
27005 input/output console
270 15 input/output console
27500 input/output earthquake world
279 10 i/o earthquake 2
44405 UDP i/o Legend (UDP Listening Port)
55557 UDP i/o Legend (UDP Listening Port)
Legend of 5590 1 i/o (game port)
55960 input/output legend (data exchange port)
55962 input/output legend (data exchange port)
55970 Input/Output Legend (Listening Port)
Disable QQ, MSN and UC.
By adding IP rules, the following IP ports are blocked and chatting is prohibited in the office network.
The following are the server IP and ports of common chat tools.
The port used by QQ: TCP 8000-8001; 443
UDP 8000 - 1429
The IP address used by QQ is:
2 18. 17.209.23 ; 2 18. 17.2 17. 106; 2 18. 18.95. 135; 2 18. 18.95. 153 ; 2 18. 18.95. 163
2 18. 18.95. 165; 2 18. 18.95.2 19 ; 2 18. 18.95.220; 2 18. 18.95.22 1 ; 2 18. 18.95.227
2 18. 18.95. 18 1 ; 2 18. 18.95. 182 ; 2 18. 18.95. 183 ; 2 18. 18.95. 188 ; 2 18. 18.95. 189
2 18. 18.95. 162 ; 2 18. 17.2 17. 106; 2 1 1. 162.63.24; 2 19. 133.38.9
6 1. 144.238. 15; 6 1. 172.249. 133; 6 1. 172.249. 134
The address used by MSN is: (port: TCP 1863).
207.46. 106.2; 207.46. 106.30; 207.46. 1 10. 100; 207.46. 107.23; 207.46. 106. 12;
207.46. 107.65; ; 207.68. 172.246; 207.46. 104.20;
207.46. 106.32; 207.46. 108.20; 207.46. 107.24; 207.46. 107.86; 207.46. 106. 197;
207.46. 106.42 ; 207.46. 104.20 ; 207.46. 106. 19 ; 207.46. 1 10.254
65.54. 194. 1 17 ; ; ; 65.54. 183. 195; 65.54. 183. 192;
65.54. 194. 1 18
203.89. 193.30; 207.46. 1 10.26 ; 207.46. 1 10.24 ; 207.46. 1 10. 18
2 10.5 1. 190. 1 10;
UC UDP port 1 port 2
2 10. 192.97.2 15 300 1 3002
2 10. 192.97.2 16 300 1 3002
2 10. 192.97.2 17 300 1 3002
2 10. 192.97.2 18 300 1 3002
2 10. 192.97.2 19 300 1 3002
2 10. 192.97.220 300 1 3002
List of commonly used computer ports.
1 Transmission Control Protocol Port Service Multiplexer
2 compressnet management utility
3 compression process
5 Remote job login
7 Echo (echo)
9 discard
1 1 online users
13 time
15 network statistics
17 daily reference
18 message protocol
19 character generator
20 file transfer protocol (default data port)
2 1 file transfer protocol (control)
22 SSH remote login protocol
Remote login terminal emulation protocol
24 reserved for personal mail system
Smtp simple mail transfer protocol
Field Engineer of New South Wales User System
3 1 message authentication
33 display support protocol
35 reserved for personal printer services
37 times
38 routing access protocol
39 resource location protocol
4 1 graphics
42 WINS host name service
Who is the nickname of the service?
44 MPM (Message Processing Module) Marking Protocol
45 message processing module
46 message processing module (default sending port)
47 nickel FTP
48 digital audio background service
49 TACACS login host protocol
50 remote mail inspection protocol
5 1 IMP (Interface Information Processor) Logical Address Maintenance
52 Xerox Network Service System Time Agreement
53 domain name server
Bill Exchange of Xerox Network Service System
55 ISI graphic language
Verification of Xerox Network Service System
57 Keep personal terminal access
58 Xerox network service system mail
59 Preserve personal file service
60 undefined
6 1 NI mail?
Asynchronous communication adapter service
64 communication interface
65 TACACS database service
66 Oracle SQL*NET
Boot protocol server
68 boot protocol client
69 small file transfer protocol
70 information retrieval protocol
7 1 remote operation service
72 Remote job service
73 Remote operation service
Remote job service
75 reserved for personal dial-out service
76 Distributed External Object Storage
77 reserved for personal remote operation input service
78 modified TCP
79 Fingers (inquire about online users of remote hosts, etc.)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol of World Wide Web
8 1 host2 name service
82 means of transport
83 modular intelligent terminal ML equipment
84 public tracking devices
85 modular intelligent terminal ML equipment
86 micro-focus programming language
87 reserved for personal terminal connections.
88 Kerberros security authentication system
89 SU/MIT terminal analog gateway
90 DNSIX security attribute marking diagram
9 1 MIT Dover spooling
92 network printing protocol
93 device control protocol
94 Tivoli object scheduling
95 pounds
96 Dixie protocol specification
97 Fast Remote Virtual File Protocol
98 TAC (Tokyo University Automatic Computer) News Protocol
10 1 usually from sri-nic.
102 iso-tsap
103 ISO mail
104 x400-snd
105 csnet-ns
109 post office
110ppop3 server (mailbox sending server)
1 1 1 port mapping or sunrpc
1 13 identity inquiry
1 15 sftp
1 17 path or uucp path
1 19 news server
12 1 BO jammerkilla
123 network time protocol (exp)
135 DCE endpoint resolution
137 NetBios-NS
NetBios of DGN
139 win98 *** shared resource port (NetBios-SSN)
143 IMAP mail
144 news-news
153 sgmp - sgmp
16 1 snmp - snmp
162 SNMP- trap -snmp
170 network postscript
175 virtual machine network
194 Irc
3 15 load
400 Virtual Machine Network 0
443 security service
456 hacker paradise
500 sytek
5 12 execution
5 13 login
5 14 shell-cmd
5 15 printer spooling system
5 17 call
5 18 ntalk
520 euros
526 Rhythm-New Date
530 messenger-rpc
53 1 conference chat
532 Network News-Read News
533 network wall
540 uucp - uucpd 543 klogin
544 kshell
550 new-who-new-who
555 stealth spy (stage)
556 remotefs - rfs_server
600 Garcon
666 attacks FTP
750 kerberos - kdc
75 1 kerberos_master
754 krb_prop
888 Elrokin
100 1 muffler or WebEx
10/10 10 Doly trojan horse v 1.35
Dolly Troy
1024 Cyber Spy.698 (Yai)
1033 cyber espionage
1042 Bla 1. 1
1047 intruder
1080 wingate
1 109 kpop
1243 1/7
Author: Only five yuan left 2006-9-1411:32 to reply to this speech.
List of computer common ports.
1245 volts
1269 calf matrix
1433 Microsoft SQL Server database service
1492 FTP 99 CMP(back riffice。 FTP)
1509 streaming media server
1524 Ingerslock
1600 knife
1807 spy
198 1 shocked
1999 back door
Default port of 2000 black hole (Trojan horse)
The default port is 200 1 black hole (Trojan horse)
2023 Pass ripper
2053 knetd
2 140 deep throat. 10 or invalid
2283 rats
2565 Striker
Winklass 2583 2
280 1 phineas
3 129 master's tricks
3 150 deep throat 1.0
32 10 school bus
3389 Win2000 remote login port
4000 OICQ client
4567 file nail
4950 IcqTrojan
The UPNP service is started by default in 5000 WindowsXP.
5 190 ICQ query
532 1 Firehotcker
5400 BackConstruction 1.2 or BladeRunner
5550 Xtcp
5555 rmt - rmtd
5556 mtb - mtbd
Robot 5569
57 14 Wincrash3
5742 winchester street
6400 that thing
6669 vampire
Deep throat 6670
67 1 1 ziqi
67 13 ziqi
6767 NT remote controller
677 1 deep throat 3
6776 SubSeven
6883 delta source
6939 infusion
6969 uninvited guest
7306 Network Wizard (Trojan Horse)
7307 ProcSpy
7308 X spy
Default Port of Glacier 7626 (Trojan Horse)
7789 ICQKiller
8000 OICQ server
9400 InCommand
940 1 InCommand
9402 InCommand
9535 people
9536 w
9537 Munster
9872 Doomsday Gate
9875 Doomsday Gate
9989 InIkiller
10000 news
1000 1 queue
10002 Poker
10 167 Doomsday Gate
10607 coma
1 1000 senna spy trojan horse
1 1223 progenictroman
12076 Gjamer or MSH. 104b
12223 black? Keyboard recorder
12345 default port of network bus Trojan
12346 network bus Trojan default port
1263 1 WhackJob。 NB 1.7
16969 priority
17300 Mine 2
200000Millennium II (girlfriend)
2000 1 Millennium second generation (girlfriend)
20034 Network Bus Professional Edition
2033 1 Bla
2 1554 girlfriend or Shi Windler 1.82
Prosia ke 22222
23456 evil Ftp or ugly FTP or WhackJob
27374 ziqi
30029 aoteroyan
30 100 network scope
30303 socket 23
30999 Kuang
3 1337 back riffice
3 1339 cyber espionage
3 1666 Bad luck buster
3 1787 chop a tack
Prosia ke 33333 Hao
Troy spirit 200 1 a
34324 TN or micro Telnet server
404 12 advertisement
4042 1 master missed the trick
40423 dashi amusement park
47878 Bird 2
No.50766, Foer or Shi Windler
5300 1 remote shutdown
54320 Rear Throttle 2000
5432 1 school bus 1.6
6 1466 remote control instruction
65,000 demons
You have too many questions to answer. Please Baidu search. There are many.