Which grade is higher, North or New Balance?
Between the North and New Balance, New Balance has a high grade. New balance belongs to the high-end grade, and the north belongs to the middle and high-end grade, so the new balance has a high grade. North belongs to high-grade outdoor brands. The name "north of the northern slope" comes from the coldest and most difficult northern slope on the mountain. The source of the picture is HalfDome, a mountain in YosemiteNationalPark, California, USA, so the Chinese name is "North", which means to explore the most difficult and dangerous outdoor spirit. 1997, TheNorthFace adopted a brand-new slogan-"Never stop exploring", which has since become the most important spiritual slogan of the brand. New balance belongs to high-end grade. New balance running shoes have always been known as the king of slow presidential running shoes. At the beginning, New Balance was famous for making jogging shoes, and its accumulation in the field of running shoes was very profound. New balance running shoes are called one of the four running shoes, which makes sense. The reason why New Balance shoes are widely loved by people is that they are really nice. Newbalance is an American sports brand, and its main product is running shoes.