Start → Programs → Administrative Tools → Local Security Policy →IP Security Policy?
1. Right-click the local machine to manage the IP filter table and filter operations.
2. Open the Manage IP Filter Table and Filter Action → Add, and change the name to TCP 3000 in the IP filter list you see. Then click → Add → Next.
Select Manage Filter Actions, and then click Add Next. Change the name to Reject and click Next. Select the block, and then click Next. It's done. Turn it off!
4. In the IP security policy, right-click the local server to create an IP security rough. Next, change the name to a closed port, and then go to the next step, and then the next step is to select Finish.
5. Continue to supplement. Next, next, next, next. Yes Then select TCP 3000 Next, and select Next after rejecting. It's done. Okay, turn it off!