1. 1 Preliminary impression of reverse proxy
Reverse proxy means that the proxy server accepts the connection request on the Internet, then forwards the request to the server on the internal network, and returns the result from the server to the client requesting the connection on the Internet. At this point, the proxy server looks like a server to the outside.
Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
As can be seen from the above figure, the reverse proxy server is located in the website room, and the proxy website web server receives the Http request and forwards it.
1.2 the role of the reverse proxy
① Protect the website security: any request from the Internet must go through the proxy server first; Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
(2) Speed up the Web request by configuring the caching function: it can cache some static resources on the real Web server and reduce the load pressure of the real Web server; Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
③ Load balancing: act as a load balancing server, distribute requests evenly, and balance the load pressure of servers in the cluster; Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
Second, I first met Nginx: simple but extraordinary
2. What is1nginx?
Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
Nginx is a lightweight web server, reverse proxy and email proxy server. It publishes source code in a license form similar to BSD, and is famous for its stability, rich feature set, sample configuration file and low system resource consumption.
Source: Nginx (pronounced engine x), developed by Russian programmer Igor Sysoev. It was originally used by Rambler (Russian: рамблер), a large Russian portal and search engine. The software is released under a protocol similar to BSD, and can run on UNIX, GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, Microsoft Windows and other operating systems.
Speaking of Web servers, Apache server and IIS server are two giants; But its faster and more flexible competitor Nginx is catching up.
2.2 application status of nginx
Nginx has been published in rambler media (www. Rambler.ru), Russia's largest portal, in three years, more than 20% of virtual hosting platforms in Russia used Nginx as a reverse proxy server.
The process of Nginx building reverse proxy server is introduced in detail. The process of Nginx building reverse proxy server is introduced in detail. The process of Nginx building reverse proxy server is introduced in detail. In China, there are Taobao, Sina Blog, Sina Podcast, Netease News, Six Rooms, 56.com and Discuz! Many websites, such as Shui Mu Community, Douban, YUPOO, Hainei and Xunlei Online, use Nginx as a web server or reverse proxy server.
2.3 core features of nginx
(1) Cross-platform: Nginx can be compiled and run on most Unix-like OS, and there are also ported versions of Windows; (2) The configuration is extremely simple: it is very easy to use. Configuration style is the same as program development, configuration spirit; (3) Non-blocking high concurrent connection: When copying data, the first stage of disk I/O is non-blocking. The official test can support 50,000 concurrent connections and run to 20,000 ~ 30,000 concurrent connections in the actual production environment. (This is because Nginx uses the latest epoll model); PS: For a Web server, first look at the basic process of a request: establishing a connection-receiving data-sending data. At the bottom of the system, the above process (establishing connection-receiving data-sending data) is a reading and writing event at the bottom of the system.
(1) If the blocking call method is adopted, when the read-write event is not ready, the read-write event cannot be carried out, so we have to wait for a long time until the event is ready, and then the request will be delayed.
(2) Since you are not going to block the call, use the non-blocking call method. Non-blocking means that the event will return immediately, telling you that the event is not ready. What are you panicking about? Come back later. Ok, you can check the activity again later until it is ready. In the meantime, you can do other things first and then see if the activity is ready. Although there is no shielding, I still have to come and check the activity status from time to time. You can do more things, but the cost is not small.
(4) Event-driven: The communication mechanism adopts epoll model to support larger concurrent connections.
① Non-blocking judges whether to read or write by constantly checking the status of events, which brings a lot of overhead, so there is an asynchronous non-blocking event handling mechanism. This mechanism allows you to monitor multiple events at the same time. Calling them is blocked, but a timeout can be set. If an event is ready within the timeout period, it will return. This mechanism solves the above two problems of blocking call and non-blocking call.
② Take the epoll model as an example: when an event is not ready, it is put into the epoll (queue). If an event is ready, then deal with it; If the event returns EAGAIN, continue to put it in epoll. Therefore, as long as an event is ready, we will deal with it, and only when all events are not ready will we wait in epoll. In this way, we can handle a large number of concurrency at the same time. Of course, the concurrent request here refers to the unfinished request, and there is only one thread, so of course, only one request can be processed at the same time, and it is only a constant switch between requests. This change is also due to the fact that asynchronous events are not ready and are voluntarily abandoned. There is no cost for switching here. You can understand it as cycling through multiple prepared events, which is actually the case.
(3) Compared with multithreading, this event handling method has great advantages. It does not need to create threads, and each request takes up very little memory, and there is no context switch. Event handling is very lightweight, and no amount of concurrency will lead to unnecessary waste of resources (context switching). For IIS servers, there will be one worker thread for each request. When the number of concurrency reaches thousands, there will be thousands of threads processing requests at the same time. This is a big challenge for the operating system: because the memory occupied by the thread is very large, the cpu overhead caused by the context switching of the thread is very large, and the natural performance will not go up, resulting in serious performance degradation in high concurrency scenarios.
Summary: Nginx realizes that multiple prepared events are handled by the process in a loop through asynchronous non-blocking event handling mechanism, thus achieving high concurrency and lightweight.
(5) Master/worker structure: the master process that generates one or more worker processes.
Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
The core idea of PS: master-worker design pattern is to parallelize the original serial logic and split the logic into many independent modules for parallel execution. It is mainly composed of two main components, Master and Worker. Master mainly splits the logic into independent parts, while maintaining the Worker queue, and assigns each independent part to multiple workers for parallel execution. Worker mainly performs the actual logical calculation and returns the result to the Master.
Q: What are the benefits of nginx adopting this process model?
A: Using independent processes can make them independent of each other. After one process exits, other processes are still working, the service will not be interrupted, and the main process will restart the new working process soon. Of course, the abnormal exit of the worker process must be a bug in the program. Abnormal exit will cause all requests on the current worker thread to fail, but it will not affect all requests, so the risk is reduced.
(6) Low memory consumption: the memory consumption for handling large concurrent requests is very small. With 30,000 concurrent connections, only 10 Nginx processes began to consume 150M of memory (15m *10 =150m).
(7) Built-in health check function: If a Web server at the back end of Nginx proxy goes down, it will not affect the front-end access.
(8) Saving bandwidth: GZIP compression is supported, and the header of browser local cache can be added.
(9) High stability: For reverse proxy, the probability of downtime can be ignored.
Third, the construction of actual combat: Nginx+IIS to build the load balance of Web server cluster Here we mainly deploy the same website to IIS of different servers, and then provide unified access through a unified Nginx echo proxy server to realize a simplified reverse proxy and load balancing service in the Windows environment. However, limited by the experimental conditions, we mainly simulate the reverse proxy and IIS cluster on one computer. The specific experimental environment is as follows: We deploy nginx services and websites on a computer, and nginx monitors ha97.com; Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
(3) Basic configuration of load balancing list:
Location/{}: Request load balancing of aspx suffix. If you want to load balance all files with aspx suffix, you can write: location ~. *\.aspx$ {}
Proxy_pass: the request is transferred to the user-defined server list, where we transfer all requests to the load-balanced server list, marked as; Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
In the configuration of the load balancing server list, weight is the weight, which can be defined according to the machine configuration (if a server has a very good hardware configuration and can handle more requests, you can set a higher weight for it; If the hardware configuration of a server is poor, the weight of the former server can be configured as weight=2, and the configuration difference of the latter server is weight= 1). The weight parameter represents the weight, and the higher the weight, the greater the probability of being assigned to it; Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
(4) Summary: The most basic Nginx configuration is almost the above content, but of course it is only the most basic configuration. (Please download Nginx-1.4.7 at the bottom for detailed configuration) 3.4 Add Nginx's cache configuration for static files.
In order to improve the response speed and reduce the load of the real server, we can cache static resources in the reverse proxy server, which is also an important role of the reverse proxy server.
(1) Cache static resource picture files
Root/nginx-1.4.7/static resources/image: all files such as jpg/png mentioned in the configuration are set to/nginx-1.4.7/static resources/image folder to find a match and return the files; Expires 7d: the expiration time is 7 days, and the static file is not updated frequently, so the expiration time can be set larger, and if it is updated frequently, it can be set smaller; Tips: The following styles and script cache configurations are the same as this, but the located folders are different, so they are not repeated here.
Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
(2) caching the style files of static resources
Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
(3) caching script files of static resources
Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
(4) Create a static resource folder in nginx service folder, and copy the static files to be cached: here I mainly copy the pictures, css and js files used in Web programs; Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
(5) Summary: By configuring the cache settings of static files, requests for these static files can be directly returned from the reverse proxy server without forwarding these static resource requests to a specific Web server for processing, which can improve the response speed and reduce the load pressure of real Web servers.
3.5 Simply test the load balancing effect of Nginx reverse proxy (1). The first time you visit http://localhost/Default.aspx, a response is returned from 127.0.0. 1:8050. (2) When accessing http://localhost/whendefault.aspx, the response is returned from 127.0.0. 1:8060. (3) Screenshot of multiple visits to http://localhost/Default.aspx:
Detailed explanation of Nginx's process of building reverse proxy server
Learning summary
In this paper, with the help of Nginx, a reverse proxy service is simply built in Windows environment, and the load balancing effect of an IIS server cluster is simulated. From this demonstration, we can simply feel what the reverse proxy has done for us and understand what load balancing is all about. But at present, in most applications, Nginx will be deployed in Linux servers, and some optimized configurations will be made for load balancing. What we do here is only a small use (just modify the configuration file). But the little experience in the early stage will also help us lay a little foundation for further study in the later stage.
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