Often when we start the application, we find that the ports needed by the system are occupied by other programs. How to know who has the port we need is a headache for many people. Here is a very simple method, I hope it will be useful to everyone.
If we need to determine who is occupying our 9050 port.
1, Windows platform
Execute in a windows command line window:
1. View all port occupancy.
c:\ & gt; netstat -ano
Protocol local address external address state PID
TCP127.0.0.1:1434 0.0.0: 0 Listening to 3236
TCP127.0.0.1:5679 0.0.0: 0 Monitoring 4 168
TCP127.0.0.1:7438 0.0.0: 0 Monitoring 4 168
Tcp127.0.01:80150.0.0: 0 monitoring 1456.
TCP192.168.3.230:139 0.0.0: 0 Listening 4
TCP192.168.3.230:1957 443 Establish 3068.
TCP/KOOC-0/92./KOOC-0/68.3.230: 2020/KOOC-0/83.62.96./KOOC-0/89:/KOOC-0/522 Establishment/KOOC-0/456.
TCP192.168.3.230: 292717.79.91.18: 80 has established 4732.
TCP192.168.3.230: 292917.79.91.18: 80 has established 4732.
TCP192.168.3.230: 293017.79.91.18: 80 has established 4732.
TCP192.168.3.230: 2931117.79.91.18: 80 has established 4732.
2. Check the occupation of the specified port.
c:\ & gt; netstat -aon|findstr "9050 "
Protocol local address external address state PID
TCP127.0.0.1:9050 0.0.0: 0 Monitoring 20 16
P: Yes, the port is occupied by the process with the process number of 20 16. Continue to execute the following command: (You can also view the process corresponding to pid in Task Manager).
3. Check the process corresponding to PID.
c:\ & gt; tasklist|findstr "20 16 "
Image Name PID Session Name Session Number Memory Usage
========================= ======== ================
Tor.exe 2016 console 0 16064K
P: It is obvious that tor is occupying your port.
4. End the process
c:\ & gt; taskkill/f/t/im tor.exe
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