Total population: 5,326; Agricultural population: 3,772; Non-agricultural population: 1993.
-Administrative area: 17.0 square kilometers; Cultivated land area: 2536.0 mu.
-major ethnic groups: slogan for the development of the Han nationality;
-Villages under its jurisdiction: GDP: 3.6 million yuan
-Main economic industries: famous and special products: potatoes Office location: neighborhood committee.
There are some tourist attractions near Jiaoliang Village, such as Zhengan Yindaozhen Wuben Hall, Banshan Dengchi, Zhengan Longtang Temple, Zhengan Shuan Peak, Shangguanyin Chenjia Temple, etc. There are also some specialties such as Zheng 'an white tea, Zheng 'an wild papaya, Zheng 'an lily, Zheng 'an baby fish and stone mill Chili sauce.