Football, which affects the overall image of the team, is the most worldwide sport. On the court, women football players take off their coats to reveal their sports bras, which will make the team's personal image and overall image criticized. In some relatively conservative countries, women are very sensitive to the leakage of sports bras. Even in the cultures of some countries and regions, it is an insult to take off clothes to celebrate, but players often don't know so much, so taking off clothes to celebrate has met with many objections. At the team level, it may affect the overall image of the team, and then it will be even bigger, saying some conservative countries and some religious beliefs. Very sensitive to women's football players taking off their clothes to celebrate, even in some regional cultural systems, taking off their clothes to celebrate is a little insulting.
It is forbidden for women football players to take off their clothes to celebrate. Players may not think so much when they release their emotions on the court, so taking off their clothes to celebrate was opposed by most people for a period of time. FIFA also responded by banning women football players from taking off their clothes to celebrate. But the men's soccer team next door can still take off their clothes to celebrate. How can this be unique? Female football players are skeptical about this rule. In the end, FIFA was forced to completely ban football players from taking off their clothes to celebrate during the game. In fact, it is not unreasonable to ban undressing to celebrate, because there are many football fans. In the past, some football players with ulterior motives displayed special slogans and signs on their underwear when they undressed to celebrate. Some of these slogans are advertisements and some are political slogans. Some inappropriate slogans even angered the opposing players. In order to reduce the influence and produce some unnecessary contradictions, FIFA firmly stipulates that it is forbidden to take off clothes to celebrate. In this regard, it is also necessary to ban undressing to celebrate.
It is necessary for the former president of FIFA, every athlete and coach to deeply reflect on their inability to keep improving. If they can't find out the reason and make progress as soon as possible, then the men's soccer team in China will only get worse and worse, instead of bringing brilliant achievements. Just like some very famous cartoons are banned in some European countries, many people feel very speechless for many reasons, and even one of them is that the protagonist of cartoons is banned without wearing pants. So what is the real situation of such a regulation? Players are not allowed to take off their clothes after winning. In fact, this rule was put forward by the former president of FIFA. He believes that such behavior will make many fans feel unacceptable, because different countries and regions have different customs and habits, so many people have different degrees of acceptance of this behavior. Perhaps this is also a move by him to attract more people to pay attention to football.