Over the Mediterranean Sea, Israel 139 flight was hijacked. The hijacked plane turned around, refueled at an airport in Libya, and finally landed at Entebbe airport in Uganda, the hinterland of Africa.
Soon, the news of hijacking was confirmed. The radical Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine planned the operation. The plane will be hijacked to Uganda with 245 passengers on board, including 83 Israeli Jews. On June 30, the hijackers issued an ultimatum to the Israeli government through the Ugandan government, claiming that if the Israeli government did not give a satisfactory answer before 2 pm on June 1 day, they would execute a Jewish hostage every hour until the Israeli government agreed to the conditions.
On the one hand, the Israeli government issued a "complaint against the hijackers" and adopted a delaying strategy, calling on them to postpone the "deadline" of July 1 to July 4. On the other hand, the Israeli military actively organized and prepared to rescue the hostages by force. Under the authorization of Israeli Prime Minister Rabin, a commando team was quickly formed, with the paratrooper commander Shimron as the chief commander and Jonathan Nejaru as the captain of the assault team, and 280 elite soldiers were selected to join the special operations force of Habré (Hebrew for "wild child").
Under the leadership of Netyaru, the commandos, all equipped with Jane Pride submachine guns, took four large C-30 transport planes and, under the cover of the raiders, arrived over Empede Airport at 23: 45 Uganda time on July 3.
As soon as the plane touched the ground, Nejaru immediately ordered: "Prepare to charge!" Armored personnel carriers and American GMC military jeeps were loaded with commandos and headed for the back door of the plane. "Charge!" Netyaru growled and drove the jeep out the back door first. A large number of armored vehicles poured out from several planes that followed, just like the tide that burst its banks, and it was unstoppable. Netyaru stepped on the accelerator to the end and the car went straight to the terminal.
1 1: 50, the jeep whirlwind in Neyaru usually appeared in front of the terminal building. Several commandos suddenly opened fire on the speeding car, and the shooting was accurate, killing more than a dozen Ugandan soldiers who were in charge of the peripheral security task.
When the car arrived, Netjaru pushed the steering wheel, picked up Jian Zihao and rushed to the waiting hall. Behind him, 35 commandos followed like a hurricane. Gunshots rang out and Bridget, the main hijacker, woke up. She raised her gun, walked up to the hostage and pulled the trigger with her finger. In front of the gun, it was a Jewish boy. Bridget's finger was released. No one knows why, but it was only a few seconds before she pulled the trigger again. At the critical moment, Netanyaru led a team into the waiting hall, and all the hostages and hijackers were shocked.
"Lie down!" A harsh Hebrew loud call resounded through the walls of the hall with the unquestionable majesty of the transmitter, which immediately produced great repercussions. In an instant, all the Israeli hostages understood this order that only they could understand, and quickly squatted on the ground.
A wonderful picture appeared. The hijackers mixed with hostages and a dozen Ugandan defenders were suddenly exposed to the guns of Israeli commandos like rocks at the end of the tide!
Without any hesitation, 36 Jian Zihao submachine guns spewed flames at a very high firing rate, and the dense warfare engulfed everything. Hijackers and Ugandan defenders twitched in the hail.
The waiting hall was covered with bullet holes and blood, and the smoke of gunpowder was almost suffocating. A few seconds later, the hall burst into a burst of crazy moaning and crying.
The fighting here only lasted 45 seconds and ended. The hijackers and Ugandan defenders were killed by Jian Zihao's gun, and no commandos were killed or injured. Afterwards, according to Ugandan statistics, these people who were killed had nearly a thousand bullet holes, with an average of dozens of bullets per person.