Digital Baby is a series of animations based on digital monsters produced by Toyo Animation Company of Japan. The TV version is online 1999.
Digital Baby: The Last Evolution is a theatrical version of the 20th anniversary of The Adventures of Digital Baby, which was released in Japan on February 2, 2020 and in Chinese mainland on February 0, 2020.
On August/August/2002 1 day, Dongying Animation released brand-new TV animations "Ghost Game of Digital Baby" and "Adventure of Digital Beast 02".
It should be noted that in addition to Digital Beast Adventure, Digital Beast Adventure 02 and Digital Beast Adventure tri. The adventures of digital baby: the last evolution and fetters, digital baby: and related theatrical versions are related in the plot.
Other works are independent of each other and do not interfere with each other (except for the five protagonists who appeared at the end of Digital Beast Wars).
On May 20th, 20 16, the super-large project "Digital Beast Universe Application Monster" with the slogan of "Inheriting Digital Beast Pedigree and Opening a New Story" was publicly launched. Its TV animation was broadcast on Tokyo TV on May 20th, with 20 16 16 1 52 words, which has been finished.