Zhang's genealogy generation
The word generation, or four words, or five words, or seven words, can be long or short: the long one is five or six crosses, and the short one is more than a dozen words, usually two or three crosses. Although it has the color of feudal clan, it is a colorful poem from the literary point of view. The surnames of all ethnic groups have different genealogies, and the generation of characters is the core and link of genealogy. 1. Wu, Fu, Zong, Ji, Hong, Kui, Jing, Yun, Yue and Tian 2. Ordinary people are the first, and they are virtuous and wise. Model integrity, quality and safety. Loyalty, filial piety and righteousness are full of vitality. A generation is wise, and the world is planted in Mei Tian. Poetry is warm and rich, and wealth is prolonged. 3. Became Kang Lie, from Zhou Ruya, poetry and calligraphy to imperial edict, filial piety and dedication, China's country is heavy and good, Guangtian Qin is far-sighted, Yan Zuze and Wei Erqin are home-trained.