Abbott Aybout Hebrew paternal line; Novo Dukum
The life of Abel Abramin; breathe
Abner Abner is a wise man in Hebrew; Have wisdom
Abraham Abraham, the noble father of Hebrew; Father of all things
Wang Maolin, Wang Maolin, Scotland and Ireland are as strong as trees.
Adam Adam was the first man in the Hebrew world, male.
Adolf Adolf, German noble wolf (remember Hitler)
Adonis Greek handsome man
Allen Allen Scandinavia handsome and good-looking; Harmony and peace; Happy (original meaning)
Albert Albert British aristocratic intelligence agency; Guardian of mankind (remember Einstein)
Aldridge, aldridge, the wise ruler of England
Alexander Alexander, the protector of Greek mankind (the name of the king)
Alfred Alfred England; Teutonic and wise advisers; Intelligent assistant
Alger Acer, a glorious and noble British defender.
Allen Allen Gail is very handsome; good-looking
Alston Austin, a British aristocrat.
Alva Alva of Latin whites; Blonde
Alvin Alvin Teutonic, everyone loves him; Everyone's friend
Alves Jarvis, Norwegian, short and pithy.
Amos Amos, a Hebrew with a long way to go.
Andre Andre France is brave and fearless.
Andrew Andrew Greek male, brave, brave.
Andy Andy is a Greek male, brave and fearless.
Angelo Angelo, angel of the Italian God.
Augustus Augus Gail is the only one; Cupid in Celtic mythology
A person born in France or educated in France.
Anthony Anthony Latin is worthy of praise and respect.
Antonio Antonio's Latin is worthy of praise and respect.
Archers Archers, British strongmen who draw the bow of death.
Archibald, British nobility and bravery.
Alex Latiram of Aries (English Aries)
Arlen arryn's English oath
Armand Yalman, German soldier.
Armstrong Armstrong, an Englishman with strong arms (one small step for me, one giant leap for mankind)
Arno Teutonic Eagle
Arthur Arthur, English aristocrat or aristocrat (hero of sword in stone)
Arvin Everton treats people equally.
A gift from the Hebrew god Asa; the between
A person who lives in a forest or forest in England.
Aubrey, the rich and powerful King of Aubrey Teutonic.
A person who is sacred, respected or noble in Latin; August
Augustine Augustine Latin refers to a person born in August.
Avery Avery is a naughty man in England.
Baird Baird Ireland is a good folk singer.
Baldwin Baldwin was a brave man on the battlefield.
Badbad England is very happy and likes people who keep livestock.
Greek mountain dwellers.
British leader barnett Barnett has a noble gift.
Baron Baron, a brave British soldier; noble
Teutonic people in Barit, a very responsible person.
Barry Barry, an excellent striker in Ireland
Barcelona romulus Greece is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.
Bart Bart Greece is also one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.
Barton Barton, an Englishman who lives in a wheat field (the general has five stars)
Basil barzel Latin noble
Beecher is more like a wave in Britain (not a curse)
Bao Er, Bao Er, French, good at dressing up, playboy.
Beckbeck English Liu
Hebrew son of this class; peak
Benedict Benedict's Latin blessing; Can speak well; divine
Benjamin Ben Ming Jie's favorite Hebrew son; lucky
Bennitt Bennitt, the blessed Latin.
Benson Benson is a Hebrew Englishman with a fatherly character.
Berg Teutonic iceberg
Bernard Teuton is as brave as a bear.
Bernie Bernie Teutonic is as brave as a bear.
Bert Bert is a man who radiates glory and brilliance all over Britain.
Frugal British producer Berton Burton.
Bertram bertram Teutonic, a lucky and outstanding man
Bevis, Bevis and France are people who can see their surroundings clearly.
Bilbil was a powerful German warrior or protector.
Bing Bing Germany comes from a very special village.
Bishop, bishop of England
Blair of the Celtic Plain in Burhler; Marsh battlefield
Black Black British Bleaching
Bryce is a very happy person in England.
Bob Bob's brilliant reputation
A Norwegian living in a hut in Busbaz.
Borg Borgslav lives in a hereditary castle.
Boris burris-Russian War
Bowen Bowen, an educated aristocrat in England.
Boyce Boyce is a person who lives independently in the French forest.
Boyd Busselt, blond; white
Bradley Bradley Britain comes from the vast grasslands.
Brady Brady Britain is full of energy; A huge island.
Brandon Brandon Britain comes from sparkling mountains.
Brian, Brian, Celtic, Gail, a strong leader; Born noble
Broderick, the famous Scandinavian king of Bradrick.
Brooke, an Englishman who lives by a stream.
Bruce Bruce, a forest in France.
Bruno Bruno Italian brown or black skin color
English stag
Knight Burgess, a free man in England
Burke, Bourcq, French people living in castles and fortresses.
French short Beurnel Bunier
Burton Burton, a small town on a hill in England.
Byron Byron, English country house, nature lover (famous poet)
Caesar Caesar, Latin emperor (Roman overlord with no good result)
Calvin Calvin Latin Bald (famous brand)
Carey, Carey, Wells, people who live in castles.
Karl Karl Karl, a great man in Germany
Carl Kyle, a Norwegian living in the swamp
Carter, Carter, British carriage man
Cash Keshi Latin vanity, cash.
Cecil Cecil Latin has poor eyesight.
Commander-in-Chief of the Battle of Cedric Celtic; generous
Chad Chad, an experienced British soldier
Qian Ning Johnny French priest
Chapman Cheberman, British businessman; A peddler peddling along the street
Charles Charles Latin-Teutonic is strong, male, noble and strong.
Chacel Chazogu, French hunter
Chester, Rome, juster.
Christians, Hebrew Christians
A follower of Greek Christ, a believer
Christopher Christopher, the messenger or servant of Greek Christ, expressed the intention of Christians.
Claire Clara Latin has a clear mind.
Clarence Clarence has a clear head in Latin; Smart; famous
Clark Clark Latin and an English scholar
Claude Claude Latin cripple
Clement Clement Latin, kind and kind.
Cleveland Cleveland is an Englishman from the rocky area.
Cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff.
Clyde Clyde Wells can hear you from far away.
Colbert colbert British crew
Norwegians from dark areas
Colin, Colin, Gail, baby or baby
Conrad Conrad Germanic assistant, wisdom; teacher
Cory Conley, a Scot who lives by the lake.
Sun Cape Eskonili Ersladdin, Conigli; A symbol of kingship
Cornell Cornell, French blonde
Curitis Curtis France is polite.
Cyril of the Greek nobility Cyril
Dana Dana Britain is as pure and shining as the sun.
Daniel Daniel Hebrew God is my judge (Katie Meow's boyfriend).
Darcy Dalcy French refers to people from big castles, black people.
Daniil, the Hebrew God of Daniil is my referee.
Darren Darren Ireland has the potential to achieve great things.
Dave Dave, the darling of Hebrew.
David, David, beloved leader of Hebrew.
Dempsey Dempsey, a proud and powerful man.
Dennis Dennis, Greek Dionysus (don't translate it into waiting for you to die)
Derek, the ruler of the German nation in Dairic.
The German prose "Ireland" refers to a poet or scholar.
Dick Dick Germany is brave and bold (in fact, it has another meaning ...)
Dominic, Minnich Latin belongs to God.
Don Donselt, world leader
Donahue donahue, Irish red-brown warrior.
Donald Donald Celtic, world leader; chieftain
Douglas Douglas Gail is from the Black Sea; Dark grey
Drew Drew Wells, a clever and honest man.
Duke of Latin; leader
Duncan Duncan Gail Brown Warrior; Suntanned soldier
Dunn Dunn Britain refers to people with dark skin.
Dwight Devit Teutonic white or blond.
Dylan Dylan Wells Ocean; God of the waves
Earl Earl, a noble leader with keen wisdom in Britain.
Ed ed, a wealthy guardian in England.
Eden Eden Eden Hebrew Eden, light and happiness
Edgar Edgar Edgar, the happy soldier of England.
Edmund Edmund, Britain's wealthy protector
Edison Edison British people enrich themselves by taking care of others (well, you should know)
Edward Edward, the guardian of Britain's rich property (sparrow becomes phoenix)
Edwin Edwin, Fu You, England; Precious friend
Egbert Teuton of Egbert is outstanding in talent.
Eli Eli Hebrew is great and outstanding.
Elijah Elijah, the Lord of Hebrew is God.
Elliot Iliad, a devout believer of God in French and Hebrew.
Ellis Ellis, the Hebrew god is the savior.
Elmer Elmer is a nobleman or a celebrity in Britain.
Elroy loves Roy, king of the Latin royal family.
Elton Elton, from an old English farm.
Elvis Elvis Teutonic aristocrat; Friends (Elvis Presley)
Emanuel Emanuel Hebrew God is with us.
Enoch Enoch is devout in Greek and Hebrew
Eric Alex, Scandinavian leader
Ernest is a warm-hearted, true or sincere person in Germany.
Eugene Eugene Greek, Latin of noble descent
Evan Owen Celtic, a man of noble birth.
Everley Yves force refers to the place where British wild boars fight.
Fabian Fu Bin, a Roman bean farmer.
Felix fenix is Latin for happiness or luck.
Ferdinand and Ferdinand travel in Teutonic and like adventure; Prosecute/fight for peace
Fitch Fitch, British blonde
Ford Ford Ferry on the English River (Car King)
Francis Francis is a free man in Latin, a free man
Frank, Frank, a free man in France.
Franklin Franklin Latin or German Freeman
Frederick Friedrich, the ruler of Germany under the peaceful leadership; Powerful and rich.
Gabriel Gabriel, servant of the Hebrew God; God's power is very powerful.
Gail sings in Ireland; stranger
Gary Garrett Teutonic with a spear; hunting dog
Gavin Gavin, Eagle of Irish War, Eagle of Victory
Gene Gene Greek, Latin is of noble descent.
Jeffrey Jeffrey manages the sacred peace in France.
George George, a Greek farmer
Gerald, the brave warrior of Germanic, Girod.
Gilbert Guibert Teuton's Glorious Oath; hostage
Giles Ghias, Greek shield holder
The narrow valley of glen glenselt
French god of peace.
Gordon Gordon, English hero; Strong man
Greg Greg, Greece's vigilant man
Greece's vigilant people
Griffith Griffith Wells, a powerful man to protect his home; optimistic
An Englishman who lives in the Woods.
Gustav Gustav German or Swedish War
Guy's guide to reporting on Britain; sensible
Hale Hall, the heroic glory of England.
Harry Harry of Irish science; Have a gift for invention
A small village in the mountains of France or Normandy; bare mountain
Hardy Hardy is a brave and noble man in Germany.
Harlan Harlan Teutonic people come from a cold country.
Harry, Harry, England is full of rabbit grasslands or groves.
Harold Harold, British leader; fight bravely
Harry Harry medieval English war, soldiers
Harvey Harvey France has bitter taste; Progressive or prosperous.
Hayden Hayden Germans come from a small town surrounded by hedges.
Henry Henry Teutonic, the person who manages the family; Family ruler
Herbert Herbert, a famous or outstanding German soldier.
Herman Herman, German soldier; The real man
Hilary Hilary, Happy Latin.
Hiram Heller, Hebrew, noble.
Hobart, Hobart, the light in Germany
Hogan Hogan Ireland is always young.
Mr Horace Harris
Howard Holder Teutonic Watcher
Hubery Hubert France has a cheerful personality.
Hugh cultivated German rationality; intelligence
Hugo Hugo Latin rationality; Intelligence (famous poet and writer)
Humphrey Humphrey Teutonic peace supporter
Hunters, hunters, proud hunters in Britain.
Hyman Hyman Hebrew life
Aaron, the towering mountains of Hebrew are in Allen; Inspired by God
Abbott Aybout Hebrew paternal line; Novo Dukum
The life of Abel Abramin; breathe
Abner Abner is a wise man in Hebrew; Have wisdom
Abraham Abraham, the noble father of Hebrew; Father of all things
Wang Maolin, Wang Maolin, Scotland and Ireland are as strong as trees.
Adam Adam was the first man in the Hebrew world, male.
Adolf Adolf, German noble wolf (remember Hitler)
Adonis Greek handsome man
Allen Allen Scandinavia handsome and good-looking; Harmony and peace; Happy (original meaning)
Albert Albert British aristocratic intelligence agency; Guardian of mankind (remember Einstein)
Aldridge, aldridge, the wise ruler of England
Alexander Alexander, the protector of Greek mankind (the name of the king)
Alfred Alfred England; Teutonic and wise advisers; Intelligent assistant
Alger Acer, a glorious and noble British defender.
Allen Allen Gail is very handsome; good-looking
Alston Austin, a British aristocrat.
Alva Alva of Latin whites; Blonde
Alvin Alvin Teutonic, everyone loves him; Everyone's friend
Alves Jarvis, Norwegian, short and pithy.
Amos Amos, a Hebrew with a long way to go.
Andre Andre France is brave and fearless.
Andrew Andrew Greek male, brave, brave.
Andy Andy is a Greek male, brave and fearless.
Angelo Angelo, angel of the Italian God.
Augustus Augus Gail is the only one; Cupid in Celtic mythology
A person born in France or educated in France.
Anthony Anthony Latin is worthy of praise and respect.
Antonio Antonio's Latin is worthy of praise and respect.
Archers Archers, British strongmen who draw the bow of death.
Archibald, British nobility and bravery.
Alex Latiram of Aries (English Aries)
Arlen arryn's English oath
Armand Yalman, German soldier.
Armstrong Armstrong, an Englishman with strong arms (one small step for me, one giant leap for mankind)
Arno Teutonic Eagle
Arthur Arthur, English aristocrat or aristocrat (hero of sword in stone)
Arvin Everton treats people equally.
A gift from the Hebrew god Asa; the between
A person who lives in a forest or forest in England.
Aubrey, the rich and powerful King of Aubrey Teutonic.
A person who is sacred, respected or noble in Latin; August
Augustine Augustine Latin refers to a person born in August.
Avery Avery is a naughty man in England.
Baird Baird Ireland is a good folk singer.
Baldwin Baldwin was a brave man on the battlefield.
Badbad England is very happy and likes people who keep livestock.
Greek mountain dwellers.
British leader barnett Barnett has a noble gift.
Baron Baron, a brave British soldier; noble
Teutonic people in Barit, a very responsible person.
Barry Barry, an excellent striker in Ireland
Barcelona romulus Greece is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.
Bart Bart Greece is also one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.
Barton Barton, an Englishman who lives in a wheat field (the general has five stars)
Basil barzel Latin noble
Beecher is more like a wave in Britain (not a curse)
Bao Er, Bao Er, French, good at dressing up, playboy.
Beckbeck English Liu
Hebrew son of this class; peak
Benedict Benedict's Latin blessing; Can speak well; divine
Benjamin Ben Ming Jie's favorite Hebrew son; lucky
Bennitt Bennitt, the blessed Latin.
Benson Benson is a Hebrew Englishman with a fatherly character.
Berg Teutonic iceberg
Bernard Teuton is as brave as a bear.
Bernie Bernie Teutonic is as brave as a bear.
Bert Bert is a man who radiates glory and brilliance all over Britain.
Frugal British producer Berton Burton.
Bertram bertram Teutonic, a lucky and outstanding man
Bevis, Bevis and France are people who can see their surroundings clearly.
Bilbil was a powerful German warrior or protector.
Bing Bing Germany comes from a very special village.
Bishop, bishop of England
Blair of the Celtic Plain in Burhler; Marsh battlefield
Black Black British Bleaching
Bryce is a very happy person in England.
Bob Bob's brilliant reputation
A Norwegian living in a hut in Busbaz.
Borg Borgslav lives in a hereditary castle.
Boris burris-Russian War
Bowen Bowen, an educated aristocrat in England.
Boyce Boyce is a person who lives independently in the French forest.
Boyd Busselt, blond; white
Bradley Bradley Britain comes from the vast grasslands.
Brady Brady Britain is full of energy; A huge island.
Brandon Brandon Britain comes from sparkling mountains.
Brian, Brian, Celtic, Gail, a strong leader; Born noble
Broderick, the famous Scandinavian king of Bradrick.
Brooke, an Englishman who lives by a stream.
Bruce Bruce, a forest in France.
Bruno Bruno Italian brown or black skin color
English stag
Knight Burgess, a free man in England
Burke, Bourcq, French people living in castles and fortresses.
French short Beurnel Bunier
Burton Burton, a small town on a hill in England.
Byron Byron, English country house, nature lover (famous poet)
Caesar Caesar, Latin emperor (Roman overlord with no good result)
Calvin Calvin Latin Bald (famous brand)
Carey, Carey, Wells, people who live in castles.
Karl Karl Karl, a great man in Germany
Carl Kyle, a Norwegian living in the swamp
Carter, Carter, British carriage man
Cash Keshi Latin vanity, cash.
Cecil Cecil Latin has poor eyesight.
Commander-in-Chief of the Battle of Cedric Celtic; generous
Chad Chad, an experienced British soldier
Qian Ning Johnny French priest
Chapman Cheberman, British businessman; A peddler peddling along the street
Charles Charles Latin-Teutonic is strong, male, noble and strong.
Chacel Chazogu, French hunter
Chester, Rome, juster.
Christians, Hebrew Christians
A follower of Greek Christ, a believer
Christopher Christopher, the messenger or servant of Greek Christ, expressed the intention of Christians.
Claire Clara Latin has a clear mind.
Clarence Clarence has a clear head in Latin; Smart; famous
Clark Clark Latin and an English scholar
Claude Claude Latin cripple
Clement Clement Latin, kind and kind.
Cleveland Cleveland is an Englishman from the rocky area.
Cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff cliff.
Clyde Clyde Wells can hear you from far away.
Colbert colbert British crew
Norwegians from dark areas
Colin, Colin, Gail, baby or baby
Conrad Conrad Germanic assistant, wisdom; teacher
Cory Conley, a Scot who lives by the lake.
Sun Cape Eskonili Ersladdin, Conigli; A symbol of kingship
Cornell Cornell, French blonde
Curitis Curtis France is polite.
Cyril of the Greek nobility Cyril
Dana Dana Britain is as pure and shining as the sun.
Daniel Daniel Hebrew God is my judge (Katie Meow's boyfriend).
Darcy Dalcy French refers to people from big castles, black people.
Daniil, the Hebrew God of Daniil is my referee.
Darren Darren Ireland has the potential to achieve great things.
Dave Dave, the darling of Hebrew.
David, David, beloved leader of Hebrew.
Dempsey Dempsey, a proud and powerful man.
Dennis Dennis, Greek Dionysus (don't translate it into waiting for you to die)
Derek, the ruler of the German nation in Dairic.
The German prose "Ireland" refers to a poet or scholar.
Dick Dick Germany is brave and bold (in fact, it has another meaning ...)
Dominic, Minnich Latin belongs to God.
Don Donselt, world leader
Donahue donahue, Irish red-brown warrior.
Donald Donald Celtic, world leader; chieftain
Douglas Douglas Gail is from the Black Sea; Dark grey
Drew Drew Wells, a clever and honest man.
Duke of Latin; leader
Duncan Duncan Gail Brown Warrior; Suntanned soldier
Dunn Dunn Britain refers to people with dark skin.
Dwight Devit Teutonic white or blond.
Dylan Dylan Wells Ocean; God of the waves
Earl Earl, a noble leader with keen wisdom in Britain.
Ed ed, a wealthy guardian in England.
Eden Eden Eden Hebrew Eden, light and happiness
Edgar Edgar Edgar, the happy soldier of England.
Edmund Edmund, Britain's wealthy protector
Edison Edison British people enrich themselves by taking care of others (well, you should know)
Edward Edward, the guardian of Britain's rich property (sparrow becomes phoenix)
Edwin Edwin, Fu You, England; Precious friend
Egbert Teuton of Egbert is outstanding in talent.
Eli Eli Hebrew is great and outstanding.
Elijah Elijah, the Lord of Hebrew is God.
Elliot Iliad, a devout believer of God in French and Hebrew.
Ellis Ellis, the Hebrew god is the savior.
Elmer Elmer is a nobleman or a celebrity in Britain.
Elroy loves Roy, king of the Latin royal family.
Elton Elton, from an old English farm.
Elvis Elvis Teutonic aristocrat; Friends (Elvis Presley)
Emanuel Emanuel Hebrew God is with us.
Enoch Enoch is devout in Greek and Hebrew
Eric Alex, Scandinavian leader
Ernest is a warm-hearted, true or sincere person in Germany.
Eugene Eugene Greek, Latin of noble descent
Evan Owen Celtic, a man of noble birth.
Everley Yves force refers to the place where British wild boars fight.
Fabian Fu Bin, a Roman bean farmer.
Felix fenix is Latin for happiness or luck.
Ferdinand and Ferdinand travel in Teutonic and like adventure; Prosecute/fight for peace
Fitch Fitch, British blonde
Ford Ford Ferry on the English River (Car King)
Francis Francis is a free man in Latin, a free man
Frank, Frank, a free man in France.
Franklin Franklin Latin or German Freeman
Frederick Friedrich, the ruler of Germany under the peaceful leadership; Powerful and rich.
Gabriel Gabriel, servant of the Hebrew God; God's power is very powerful.
Gail sings in Ireland; stranger
Gary Garrett Teutonic with a spear; hunting dog
Gavin Gavin, Eagle of Irish War, Eagle of Victory
Gene Gene Greek, Latin is of noble descent.
Jeffrey Jeffrey manages the sacred peace in France.
George George, a Greek farmer
Gerald, the brave warrior of Germanic, Girod.
Gilbert Guibert Teuton's Glorious Oath; hostage
Giles Ghias, Greek shield holder
The narrow valley of glen glenselt
French god of peace.
Gordon Gordon, English hero; Strong man
Greg Greg, Greece's vigilant man
Greece's vigilant people
Griffith Griffith Wells, a powerful man to protect his home; optimistic
An Englishman who lives in the Woods.
Gustav Gustav German or Swedish War
Guy's guide to reporting on Britain; sensible
Hale Hall, the heroic glory of England.
Harry Harry of Irish science; Have a gift for invention
A small village in the mountains of France or Normandy; bare mountain
Hardy Hardy is a brave and noble man in Germany.
Harlan Harlan Teutonic people come from a cold country.
Harry, Harry, England is full of rabbit grasslands or groves.
Harold Harold, British leader; fight bravely
Harry Harry medieval English war, soldiers
Harvey Harvey France has bitter taste; Progressive or prosperous.
Hayden Hayden Germans come from a small town surrounded by hedges.
Henry Henry Teutonic, the person who manages the family; Family ruler
Herbert Herbert, a famous or outstanding German soldier.
Herman Herman, German soldier; The real man
Hilary Hilary, Happy Latin.
Hiram Heller, Hebrew, noble.
Hobart, Hobart, the light in Germany
Hogan Hogan Ireland is always young.
Mr Horace Harris
Howard Holder Teutonic Watcher
Hubery Hubert France has a cheerful personality.
Hugh cultivated German rationality; intelligence
Hugo Hugo Latin rationality; Intelligence (famous poet and writer)
Humphrey Humphrey Teutonic peace supporter
Hunters, hunters, proud hunters in Britain.
Hyman Hyman Hebrew life
So many, not to adopt?