His wife Wang is the daughter of Wang Jue's fourth son Wang Zhongdi, and Wang Jue's eldest daughter married Li and gave birth to Li Qingzhao. According to the truth, Li Qingzhao is the granddaughter of Wang Jue and Wang Jue, so she is a cousin. As for the love letter written by Jin Wushu, there is a reason. At that time, Wang was being arrested, and Jin Wushu took a fancy to their affair. And Qin Gui knew that their adultery was also for their own benefit, and it was green enough to pretend that nothing had happened.
Jin Wushu wrote a letter to Wu, asking Wu to persuade him to kill Yue Fei. Without the guidance of Yue Fei, Yue Jiajun was still brave and abnormal, which made Jin Wushu a little caught off guard. When Wu received a letter from his lover, he would go all out to persuade and agreed, so it didn't take long to find an unwarranted charge and send Yue Fei, who had just been promoted, to prison. Yue Fei also lost his life because of this ignorant woman. It is really "the most poisonous woman's heart."
If it weren't for this woman, Yue Fei would have recovered lost ground and won. Yue Fei galloped in the battlefield all his life, but he was planted in the hands of this woman. Maybe Yue Fei didn't know why when he died, but Qin Gui was really a traitor, only for his own interests, regardless of national interests.