access_log? /opt/htdocs/logs/abc.log combination;
Index index.html, index.htm and index.php;
if ( $query_string ~*)。 *[\; \ & lt\ & gt].*" ){
Return to 404;
try _ files $ uri $ uri//index . PHP;
Location ~. *\.(php|php5)? $? {
# fastcgi _ pass UNIX:/dev/shm/PHP-CGI . sock;
fastcgi _ pass 127 . 0 . 0 . 1:9000;
fastcgi _ index index.php;
Including fastcgi.conf
Location ~. *\.(gif | jpg | JPEG | png | BMP | swf | flv | ico)$ {
Overdue for 30 days
Location ~. *\.(js|css)? $ {
Expired for 7 days;
Extended data:
The full name is lanmanserver and the path is c: \ windows \ system32 \ svchost.exe? -k netsvcs, which is used to support this computer to enjoy files, print and name through the network. If the service is stopped, these features will not be available. If a service is disabled, any service or sub-service that directly depends on it will fail to start.
Therefore, no matter from the "hard" or "soft" point of view, the client (terminal)-server structure is the fundamental structure of the network, also known as the C/S structure. (Browser-server structure, that is, browser-server structure (B/S structure) is nothing more than a kind of C/S structure, because any browser is its client relative to the http server).
Whether it is "soft" or "hard", whether it is a physical server or server-side software (server-u), the server always has the requirements of reliability, high availability and scalability.
Baidu encyclopedia-server