Central processing unit.
Motherboard motherboard
Random access memory
Read-Only Memory
Floppy disk
Hard disk hard disk
CD-ROM drive
Monitor monitor
Keyboard keyboard
Mouse, mouse.
Chip chip
CD-R disc burner
Hub hub
Modem = modem
plug and play
Uninterruptible power supply
Basic input and output system.
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor complementary metal oxide semiconductor.
Setup installation
Unloading unloading
operating system
office automation
Exit exit
Edit edit
Cutting and shearing
Delete delete
Choose, choose.
Find search
check all
Replacement replacement
Undo undo
Redo redo
Program program
Permission (certificate)
Go back to the previous step
next step
it's over
Folder folder
Target folder Target folder
User user
Click click
Double click double click
Right click right click
Setup settings
Update update
Release release
Data data
Database Management System (DBMS)
View view
Insert plug-in
Object object
Configuration configuration
Command command
Document document
POST (power on self-test) power self-test program
Cursor cursor
Attribute attribute
Icon icon
Service pack service patch
Option package feature patch
short cut
Exceptions exceptions
Debugging and debugging
the previous one
First column, then row
Restart restart
Text text
Font font
scale/scaling ratio
Interface interface
Function function
access authority
Manual guide
Active activation
computer language
Menu menu
GUI (Graphical User Interface) Graphical User Interface.
Template template
Page Setup Page Setup
Password password
Code password
Print preview print preview
Shrink down
Pan roaming
Cruise roaming
Full screen full screen
Toolbar toolbar
Status bar status bar
Scale calibration
Table. Table.
Paragraph paragraph
Symbol symbol
Style style
Execute execute
Graph graph
Image image
Unix is the operating system of the server.
Mac OS The operating system developed by Apple.
Viral virus
File file
Open, open.
Xinjian primary school
Save save
Exit exit
Clear the gap
Default default value
Wan Wan
Client/Server Client/Server
Asynchronous transmission mode
Microsoft's network operating system
Internet. Internet.
World Wide Web
Protocol agreement
Hypertext transfer protocol
FTP file transfer protocol
Browser browser
Home page home page
Web page
Website website
URL is used to specify the representation of information location on the Internet WWW service program.
Online online
ICQ online paging
Firewall firewall
Gateway gateway
Hypertext markup language
Hypertext hypertext
Hyperlink hyperlink
IP (address) internet protocol (address)
search engine
TCP/IP is a set of communication protocols used in the network.
Telnet remote login
IE browser (Microsoft's web browser)
Navigator Navigator (Netscape's browser)
Multimedia multimedia
ISO international organization for standardization
ANSI American national standards association
Energy energy
Active file active file
Addwatch add monitoring point
All files, all files.
All rights reserved.
Altdirlst switch directory format
And can solve a wider range of disk problems.
And their information
Archive attribute Archive attribute
divide among
automatic detection
Automatic indentation
Automatic storage automatic storage
The remaining space on the Availableonvolume disk.
Badcommand command error.
Badcommandorfilename command or file name is wrong.
Batch parameters batch parameters
binary file
binary file
Bolan international Bolan international company
Bottom blank margin
By date
Extend one after another
Name by name
Bytesfree bytes are free.
Call stack
Case-sensitive is case-sensitive.
Cause prompt confirmation youwantooverwrite needs confirmation prompt before it can be overwritten.
Central point software co., ltd
Changedirectory replacement directory
Change drive, change drive.
change the name
character set
Check the disk and display the status report.
Change disk/path
China, China
Select one of the following options
Clear all. Clear all.
Clearallbreakpoints clears all breakpoints.
Clearsanattribute clears this attribute.
Clear command history Clear command history.
Clearscreen clears the screen
Closeall closes all files.
code generation
Palette palette
Commandline command line
Commandprompt command prompt
Compressed file compressed file
Configure Sahard Diskforusewithmsdos to configure hard disk for MS-DOS.
Traditional memory
CopiesDirectoryDirectoryDirectorysubdirectoryexceptemptyones copy directories and subdirectories, except empty ones.
CopiesFilewithSearchiveAttributeSet copies files with archive attributes set.
Copy one or more files to another location Copy or move files to another location.
Copy the contents of one floppy disk to another.
Copy disk copy disk
CopymoveCompFindRenameDeletEverviewEditAttribwordPrint c Copy m Move o Rename d Delete v Version e Browse a property w write p print l list.
Copyright c copyright
Create a DOS partition or logical dos drive.
Create an extended dos partition
Create a logical dos drive in the extended dos partition Create a logical DOS drive in the extended DOS partition.
Create a DOS primary partition
Create a directory. Create a directory.
Create, change or delete the volume label of the disk.
current file
Current hard disk drive
Current Settings Current Settings
Current time current time
cursor position
Tidy up the debris
Delete delete
Delete partition or logical dos drive.
Delete a directory and all subdirectories and all files in them.
Delete tree
device driver
Dialog bar
Arrow keys arrow keys
Directorylistargument directory display variable
The directory of the directory list
directory structure
disc access
Disk copy
DiskserviceScopyComparefireRenameEverifyvieweditmapLocateInitialize Disk Service Function: C Copy O Compare F Search R Change Volume Name V Check Browse E Edit M Figure L Find File N Format
disk space
Display file display file
Display options display options
Displaypartitioninformation displays partition information.
Show files in the specified directory and all subdirectories Show files in the specified directory and all directories.
Display files with specific attributes Displays files with specified attributes.
DisplaySorChangesFileAttributes Displays or changes file properties.
Displays or sets the date display or device date.
The display settings screen information is displayed in monochrome instead of color.
Display the amount of usedadfreememory Your system displays the amount of used and unused memory in the system.
DisplaytheFullphhatHandnameOferfileonHedisk displays the full paths and names of all files on the disk.
Displays or changes the current directory.
Doctor doctor
No, no.
Doesntchangetheattribute does not change this attribute.
Dosshell DOS shell
Double click double click
Do you want to display logical drive information y Do you want to display logical drive information (y/n)?
Drive letter
Edit menu Edit menu
Memory memory
Off-line end
Input selection input selection
Full disk converter
Environmental variable environmental variable
ESC ESC every file and subdirectory all files and subdirectories.
When the directory file already exists, use Existingdestinationfile.
extended memory
Expandtabs extension tag
extended memory
Fastest and fastest
Fat file system
Fdiskoption fdisk option
File attribute file attribute
File format file format
File function file function
File selection file selection
File selection parameters file selection parameters
File in file in
Files in file subdirectories
File list lists files.
Filespec file description
File description file identification
File selected selected file
File search
Fixed hard disk
Fixeddisksetupprogram hard disk installer
Fix the error on the disk to solve the disk error.
floppy disk
format diskette
Format disk for MS-DOS
Feed feed
Free memory
Full screen full screen
Functional process
Graphic library graphic library
Groupdirectoriesfirst displays the directory group first.
Hang up. Hang up.
hard disc
Hardware detection
Hasburn has been
Help file help file
Help index Help index
Help information. Help information
Help path help path
Help screen Help screen
Help text help
Help topic Help topic
Help window Help window
Hidden file implicit file
Hiddenfileattribute means file attribute.
hidden file
How to operate the mode
Ignorecase ignores case.
Routine and upper memory in routine and upper memory
Incorrect operation
Incorrect DOS version DOS version is incorrect.
Represents a binary file.
Represents an ascii text file.
Insertion mode
Please use scandisk instead of chkdsk.
Inuse is in use.
Invaliddirectory invalid directory.
Yes, yes.
Keyboard type
Label disk
Laptop knee
Maximum executable program
Maximum memory block available
Left-handed habit
Left margin
line numbers
line numbers
Listbyfilesinsortedorder displays files in the specified order.
List file list file
List of lists
Location file location
View view
Find find
Makedirectory create directory
Memoryinfo memory information
Memory mode memory mode
menu bar
Menu command menu command
Menu menu
Message window information window
Microsoft Microsoft
Microsoft antivirus software
Microsoft corporation
Mini trumpet
Modem installing modem
Module name module name
Monitoring mode monitoring status
Monochrome monitor
Multi (prefix)
New data, new data
New file, new file
New name, new name
New window, new window
Norton norton nostack stack is undefined.
Attention: Be careful of deltree.
Online help online help
Optionally, optionally
Page frame page
Page length
Pause after Achscreenful of information pauses after each screen message is displayed.
Pctools pc tools
Postscript postscript
The prefix means "no"
Prefixtoreverseorder reverse display prefix
Presetswitchbypryfixinganyswitchithyphen for xample uses a prefix and a switch (such as /-w) to preset the switch, which is located after the dash-
Press Continue Press a button to continue.
Pressanykeyforfilefunctions press any key to perform file functions.
Press entertokeepthesamedate and enter to keep the same date.
Press entertokeepthesametime and press enter to keep the same time.
Press esc, continue to knock ESC, continue.
Press ESC to exit. Click Exit.
Press esc to exit fdisk. Tap ESC to exit fdisk.
Press esctoreturntofdiskoptions esc to return to the fdisk option.
Previously on ...
Print All Print All
printing equipment
lpt port
Processesfilesinaldirectories in specified path processes files in all directories under the specified path.
program document
Programming environment
Promptsyoubeforecreating will remind you when creating each target file.
Promptsyoutopresakeybefore copy prompts you to press a key before copying.
Drop-down menu drop-down menu
Quick format, quick format
Quick view, quick view.
Readonlyfile read-only file
Readonlyfileattribute read-only file attribute
Readonlyfiles read-only file
Readonlymode read-only mode
Redial redial
Repeat the last search.
Report file report file
Respectively respectfully
Right margin
Root directory root directory
Runsdebugprogramtestingandeditingtool runs debugging, which is a runtimeerror of the testing and editing tool RuntimeError.
Save all. Save all.
Save as
Disk scanner
Scandiskcanreliabledetect ScanDisk can be found reliably.
Screen color screen color
Screen options screen options
Screen saver screen register
screen saver
screen size
scroll bars
The Scrolllockoff scroll screen is locked.
Search search
Number of sectors tracks the number of sectors per channel.
Select group selected group
Selection bar selection bar
Setactivepartition sets the active partition.
Setupoptions installation options
keyboard shortcuts
Show Clipboard Show Clipboard
Size shift size/shift
Sorting help s sorting help
Sorting order
Special service directory maintenance Special service function: D directory maintenance
Specify the drives, directories, and files to list.
Specify that you want the parent directory to be the current directory.
Specify the directory or file name of the new file.
Specify the file to copy.
Stack overflow stack overflow
Boot option boot option
State line state line
Single step execution
Abstract of information
Before you want to overwrite the exchange file, cancel espromptingtoconfirmyouttoooverwrite and cancel the confirmation prompt.
The switch reset dircmEnvironment variable switch can be set in dircmd environment variable.
switch to
Synchronization synchronization
System file system file
System file system file
System information system information
System information system information program
Table of contents
Terminal simulation
Terminal settings terminal settings
Test file
Test file parameters test file parameters
Active window activation window
Switchymaypresence copycmd environment variable/y switch can be preset in copycmd environment variable.
Two floppy disks must be of the same type.
By typing /-y on the command line, you can invalidate Thismayoverriddenwithyontechommandline.
Toggle breakpoints Toggle breakpoints
Tomsdos to MS-DOS
Top margin top bar of a page
TypedrivetodisplaytheCurrentDirectoryin specifies the drive type CD drive: displays the current directory of the specified drive.
Type wcdwithoutparameterstodisplaythecurrentdriveanddirectory Type a cd without parameters to display the current directory of the current drive.
Type a date without parameters to display the current date setting, and then type a date without parameters to display the current date setting and.
Unmark unmark.
Deselect Deselect
Usesbareformat takes a concise approach.
Useslowercase uses lowercase
Useswidelistformat uses wide line display.
Use help. Use help
In a wordy way
Verify that the new file is written correctly.
Video mode display mode
View window content browsing
Viral virus
Visual scene
volume label
Volume label volume label
Volume serial number is
Windowshelp windows help
Word wrap, word wrap
The working directory is working.
Insect insect
Write mode
Xmsmemory extended memory
You can, you can.