[Reading Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, although they have different surnames, they are all brothers, so they help the poor together; Serve the country and feel at ease; I don't want to be born on the same day in the same year, I just want to die on the same day in the same year After heaven and earth, you can learn this heart. Infidelity, heaven and man * * * slaughter! "
Second, the official history of the "Three Kingdoms" said: The three people did not become sworn at all. So no one worships it. "The History of the Three Kingdoms, Chen Shou" said that Liu, Guan and Zhang, which are often mentioned in the Romance, are inconsistent with the real history. The real history is Guan Yu, one year older than Liu Bei, with Liu Bei in the middle and Zhang Fei the youngest.
The official history of the Three Kingdoms says that Guan, Liu and Zhang are brothers, "eating and sleeping together, feeling like brothers." But not under oath. To tell the truth, all three people ate Zhang Fei's family wealth, because Zhang Fei's family was the richest at that time, and there was business at home, killing pigs and selling wine. I also have to say that Zhang Fei is righteous.
No wonder, Liu Bei made a banquet to sell shoes, but Guan Yu made a mistake. Even he didn't dare to go home for fear of being caught by the government. There is money there! (Quoted from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms) It can be seen that the Romance of the Three Kingdoms records that three people worship "heaven and earth". To put it bluntly, it is the world of worship. Thank you that there is heaven on earth. Although the three brothers are not sworn, they are no different from their own brothers.
In Jianghu, loyalty comes first. Worship, this worship is to worship the word "righteousness". Righteousness, let's work hard together to realize our ideal. Later generations pay homage to Guan Yu because Guan Yu was the embodiment of benevolence and righteousness in the United States. So, before Liu, did anyone become sworn? Who do you worship?
It is said that Xiang Yu and Liu Bang are sworn brothers. He vowed to help the just emperor overthrow the Qin Dynasty. The predecessors used dictionaries to address allies. Guan Zhong and Bao also vowed to defend the country and consolidate Qi. It is said that this is not too big for the sky, but it is not too thick. You can't fool the sky from above, but you can't fool the ground from below. Who have you sworn to since ancient times? Heaven and earth. Evidence of heaven and earth, words must be done, and must not be negative. After Guan Yu appeared, "Once upon a time in America" was known to all women and children. Heaven and earth are represented by righteousness. Later generations will become sworn again and worship Guan Yu directly!