I think slogans are useless. If you want to arouse children's enthusiasm in class, you can make the class lively, be gentle with children, and it is best not to be too cruel to children. Because if they are fierce, they may be afraid of you and don't like your class, so naturally they have no passion. You can encourage them to raise their hands and speak more in class. You can call them by their nicknames when you ask questions. For example, the child has a name called Wang Xiaoming. You can call them Xiao Ming, because it will make them think you are kind and like you. Naturally, it will make it difficult for them to wander off in class and listen carefully.
I hope I can help you, because I am also a student, so from my point of view, the answer may not be very good, but a teacher with a kind language will make students like that teacher very much, and even when they grow up, it is difficult to be distracted and forget it. My third-grade math teacher was very kind and asked people to answer questions, and sometimes he called them nicknames, so few people were distracted in his class at that time.