Yes: age, gender, location ... your age, gender, and your current position. ..
But now it's more euphemistic: From ... Guy? (gal, if the other person is a woman) How old are you? ..
1. Hi, how are you? Hi, how are you?
2.A/S/L? Abbreviation asl, age/sex/location?
3. What happened? Also write sup. What's the matter? Hello.
4.Lol。 It's funny, because lol is like a smiling face, just like we usually-
5. yes/no. Yes/no.
6.btw = by the way., cool stands for a feeling, there is no grammatical restriction, so cool it if you want.
4 = forBRB = be right back; Lil = littlel8r = later (l+ eight+r); KIT= keep in touch.
ASAP= as soon as possible; Speak; R = arezm = area message; thanks = thanx
Cu = goodbye; FTF = face to face; For reference only; IC = I see; U = you; 1 = one;
IMO = in my opinion; In other words; TIA=Thanx in advance; TTuL = Talk to you later;