1974 there is only one earth.
Only one earth
1975 human settlements
Human habitation
Water: an important resource of life
Water: an important source of life
1977 ozone layer environmental problems; Land loss and soil degradation; firewood
Pay attention to ozone layer destruction and soil erosion
Development without destruction
Development without destruction
1979 Our children have only one future-development without destruction.
For children and the future-development without destruction
1980 new challenges in the new decade: development without destruction
New Decade, New Challenge-Development without Destruction
198 1 groundwater; Toxic chemicals in human food chain and environmental economics
Protect groundwater and human food chain, and prevent toxic chemical pollution.
1982 ten years after Stockholm conference (renewed attention to environmental issues)
10th Anniversary of Stockholm Conference on Human Environment-Raising Environmental Awareness
1983 management and disposal of hazardous waste: acid rain and energy
Manage and dispose of hazardous waste, prevent acid rain damage and improve energy utilization.
1984 desertification
1985 youth: population and environment
Youth, population and environment
The Peace Tree
Environment and peace
1987 environment and residence: more than a roof
Environment and housing
1988 when people put the environment first, development will last.
Environmental protection, sustainable development and public participation
1989 global warming; A Global Warning?
Be alert to global warming
1990 children and the environment
Children and the environment
199 1 climate change. Need for global partnership
Climate Change-Need for Global Cooperation
1992 there is only one earth, care and share.
There is only one earth-caring together and sharing together.
1993 poverty and environment-breaking the vicious circle
Poverty and Environment-Get rid of the vicious circle
1994 One Earth, One Family
One earth, one family.
We the people: unite to protect the global environment.
People of all countries unite to create a better future.
1996 Our earth, our habitat and our home.
Our earth, home, home.
1997 stands for life on earth.
For life on earth.
1998 life on earth-save our oceans
For life on earth-save our oceans.
1999 Our Earth-Our Future-Save it!
Saving the earth is saving the future.
Environmental Millennium 2000-Take Action
Environmental Millennium 2000- Let's act!
200 1 World Wide Web connecting life
The web of life of all things in the world
2002 gives the earth a chance.
Make the earth full of life.
Water in 2003-2 billion people are dying for it!
Water-the lives of 2 billion people depend on it.
Wanted in 2004! Is the ocean dead or alive?
Everyone is responsible for the survival of the ocean.
2005 Green City-Plan for the Earth!
Create a green city and care for the earth's home.
China theme: everyone participates in creating a green home
Deserts and Desertification in 2006-Don't let dry land desert!
Don't let dry land become desert.
China Theme: Ecological Security and Environment-friendly Society