When eating, we should also pay attention to the corresponding etiquette. For example, when you are sitting, you should pull the chair back with your hands before you sit down. Remember not to push the chair away with your feet.
If you are a man, as a man, you should know that what you should do at this time is to open the chair and ask the lady to sit down. Pay attention to sitting posture before eating, sit up straight, put your hands on your knees, and don't put your hands on the table or fiddle with the tableware.
2. Don't talk on the phone at the dinner table.
It is disrespectful to answer the phone at an inappropriate time at a formal banquet. If you want to answer the phone, you must leave the table first and politely say "I'm sorry, I'm going out to answer the phone" to the people who eat at the same table.
3, Gu deskmate's religious diet taboo.
If you are not a very close friend, you'd better ask if there are any dietary taboos. For example, the most common Muslims around us do not eat pork or drink alcohol; Buddhists eat less animal foods, including onions, ginger, garlic, leeks and mustard greens.
Some Buddhists who believe in Guanyin can't eat beef and dog meat, so they should pay special attention when they have compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and overseas. Take care of other people's dietary taboos and don't comment blindly, or others will turn against you.
Step 4 bake
Toast, after the first three cups of group activities, you can make a free toast. Free activities are not really free, but should be orderly. In the first few cups, the leaders respected each other and watched the gods fight.
You can't clink glasses before the leader. This is against the rules, and both leaders will be unhappy. At this time, you must do these things:
First, eat hard to fill your stomach. At this time, many people can't sit still, and no leader will pay attention to your food safety.
Second, pay attention to the leader's glass and be ready to add wine at any time. It must be finished in time. Don't wait for the leader to finish next time. It's time for the cup to be served. It's empty.
Third, calculate the order and see when it's your turn to propose a toast.
Fourth, between leaders, you can drink with the other unit at the same level first.
Then you go to find a leader who is higher than you. It doesn't matter who you worship first, because you are toasting at will, and the order of toasting is what leaders need to consider when toasting. You just need to be careful not to ignore one of them. You must count them all.
How much to drink? Here's to the leader. Help yourself. At the same level, March in haste.
5. Consider occupational taboos.
Different occupations also have some special taboos in diet.
For example, civil servants can't be entertained by others during their work, and they can't eat and drink at official banquets. They can't exceed the prescribed dining standards and can't drink alcohol. Drivers can't drink at work and can't let guests make mistakes.
In business occasions, don't order garlic, leeks and other foods, so as not to affect your breath and delay your work. A little more intimate, you can add some mints to refresh your breath after dinner.