Even now, the fake masks produced by this factory must be severely punished. If you can't punish this manufacturer, then he may have some luck, or the large-scale demand for this mask may bring him some profits, but these profits are not the money that a real merchant should earn at all.
The manufacturer is directly responsible, and because you might as well not produce these masks, it will not only harm the lives and property of ordinary people, but also lead them to starve to death together. Therefore, in the face of this situation, we must strictly investigate these enterprises. Some people may know that their production is not up to standard and are unwilling to produce this kind of mask, because the situation is very strict now, and once it is found out, the consequences will be unimaginable.
Some manufacturers will commit crimes against the wind. He always takes chances and thinks he won't be found. But once he is reported, I think it's all right for the company to close down or go directly to the credit bureau, because a dishonest businessman is unsympathetic. Therefore, sometimes when we face this situation, we must learn to protect ourselves. That's what happened.