Father Pu Shu knows Yin and Yang, and heaven and earth are unguarded. I don't ask you whether you are fierce or not, there will never be any harm at the funeral. Report to the left goalkeeper and the right goalkeeper that the road should be repaired by one foot and two feet and the path by eight feet. People have to cross it, and the funeral has to move forward. I was instructed by my father, Pu Shu. At this time, three doors in the sky were opened, and all evil spirits were avoided. Here, the funeral begins.
In charge of the funeral, an old man with a broken kitchen knife murmured: It's like nine chapters of heaven and earth. The door gods guard the two sides, and the six gods avoid the four evils. They hold the golden knife to remove the mourning, and Kui Gang, the big dipper above their heads, and the two men and women quickly hide. When the golden knife is cut down, the steel knife becomes auspicious. I'm in a hurry, old man! That is to say, he picked up a piece of Sang Mu, jumped up suddenly and cut it in half with a knife. This is called mourning.
Funeral follow-up:
The people carried coffins, and they lost their lives. Hemp rope is to be untied and thrown away when you go out. Then, the dutiful sons cried all the way, kneeling all the way and shouting back: thank you, thank you, firecrackers rang, horns rang, dutiful son. The old man with a basket threw paper money into the basket and threw it away.
On the grave, people help put the coffin in the grave. People shouted slogans of one, two and three, and put the coffin firmly in the middle of the grave. Then, the steward said, "Round grave, filial son and daughter", and around the grave, men and women turned three times in the opposite direction. Finally, people with banners want to throw them into the grave, wives.
After that, the grave digger began to lay bricks or bury the soil, and the filial sons and daughters gathered together to make the last cry. Some even fainted from crying, and sometimes they were advised not to leave. The steward wanted to burn all kinds of paper products, and the fire broke out at once, so people hid and stopped crying. Then, they untied their hats and headbands and walked slowly back along the way they came.
Before the funeral wake of the Han nationality, the dutiful sons knelt down to burn paper together, relatives and friends gathered in front of the coffin, and the teacher of Yin and Yang stood in front of the coffin. Do men and women need to "light up"? (i.e. uncover the material cover). If they all agree, the division of Yin and Yang will be "enlightened". After the opening ceremony, the eldest son of the deceased will wipe his eyes and face value for his relatives with a cotton ball dipped in wine, which is also the last time relatives and friends pay tribute to the remains.
Reading comprehension You just have to work hard at the model essay 1
In the book "You just look hard", the author shared 47 essays and sh