Tutu's daily life
Kidnapping instead of buying is an upgraded expression of Tu Tu's father's adoption instead of buying. In addition to teasing and humor, it is actually full of more efforts and efforts.
The whole operation process was not completely smooth. As a migrant worker, Tu Tu's father has his own daily work, which means spending more time and energy.
Take stray kittens scattered outdoors to the office first, take care of them first, and then find caring adopters for them, hoping to find a home for them to entrust for the rest of their lives.
He has a fan base of 3 million, not to mention most of them are cat lovers, and everyone's understanding and support have become the driving force for kidnapping. At present, many cats kidnapped by Tu Tu's father have been adopted home by caring people through the release of online platforms.
There are even some netizens who will follow Tu Tu's father to the scene and take the kitten home directly. This is the touching scene of the adoption now.