When cooking coconut pot ribs, chop the ribs into small pieces, preferably blanch them with boiling water, which can effectively remove the dirt in the ribs. Peel the coconut to get the meat, and then cut it into small pieces. Ginger should be sliced, and those who like to eat corn can put some fresh corn segments. Put some water in the casserole, ribs, spices, coconut meat, etc. Put it in the casserole at the same time. When a fire boils, it becomes slow. Generally speaking, it takes about two hours to stew, and the seasoning is enough when it is out of the pot.
Wash the shredded bamboo chicken first, preferably blanch it with boiling water, and then take it out to control the moisture. Prepare other necessary auxiliary materials, peel the coconut, cut it into small pieces, and then blanch it in water. When making coconut with shredded bamboo chicken, it is better to make it in casserole, and the effect will be better. After preparing the materials, put the shredded bamboo chicken and coconut meat into the casserole and put some ingredients. After the pot is boiled, it will be turned into a small fire, which usually takes a long time, not less than two hours. ?