Similar to China. Therefore, the development of nuclear power is not hasty. The main purpose is to get rid of nuclear blackmail.
The headquarters of the US Fifth Fleet is in Bahrain, Yemen. Look up the map and you will know what Iran is worried about.
The whole Gulf is surrounded by Yemen, Iran and Iraq (Kuwait or something).
North Korea, in a nutshell, is desperate under great pressure.
The industrial base is weak, and the military industry lags behind the world for nearly two generations.
Coupled with the vigorous development of South Korea's military industry (check the procurement of AIP submarines in Singapore and new tanks in Turkey, all related to South Korea).
Without nuclear weapons, North Korea can only shout slogans.
At the same time, because North Korea's action is too big, if it gets too close, China has an obligation to protect it.
Therefore, China is unwilling to get too involved in the DPRK nuclear issue.
But it will never let Korea fall, because the most important strategic value of the Korean Peninsula is to serve as a springboard for attacking China.
At this point, Iran is the same (Iran was an observer of the SCO and later withdrew).
The positions of these two countries are the same and they will never give up nuclear power.
Therefore, Americans call the Six-Party Talks every day only for diplomatic pressure, and do not expect to contain Iran and North Korea.