The author constructed an absurd world in the novel, where family is terrible, love is changeable, religion is deceptive, and literature is hypocritical. Because of the dogma of life or belief, people are stuck in a world full of masks, and gradually lose their intuition of true life. In the eyes of a person who faces himself and the truth again, the whole world is absurd. People must make their own choices, and cultivation is their own life.
Gide questioned the existence of God. "Without God, there are infinite possibilities for people to be who they are and choose how to exist... They should not choose one and lose all other possibilities. They should always welcome any desire in my heart, like Gide's evaluation of Dostoevsky, the already very complex characters such as Edward and Vincent, concretely represent Gide's various possibilities. They face the absurd life and feel deeply about it. Pain.
Faced with the constant changes in people’s spiritual process, the choices of Gide-like characters are just like Gide: a person should and can only find his own ethics in himself, and cannot put any external factors into consideration. You cannot impose yourself on something, so Edward said that finding this law in yourself is to aim for self-development. He believes that the most important thing is to be sincere and true to yourself, rather than what people want to show. and the completed self. Therefore, Penard was willing to face any blow in his life without losing his purity, honesty and credibility.
The Counterfeiter is Gide's autobiography. He is sincerely loyal to himself. He not only uses a series of characters created by himself to show his various possible ways of existence, but also through the "free choice" of various characters and the design and creation of the content and form of the novel. Promote one's "free choice" in real society and literary creation. The novel "The Counterfeiter" is a novel about survival and choice. It truly and concentratedly reflects the writer Gide's "free choice" thought.