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English inspirational quotes for senior high school students

Inspiration is a science. No matter how powerful people are, no one can understand it or learn it well, thus forming an independent discipline "success study". Below are my carefully collected English inspirational quotes for senior high school students. I hope they can be helpful to you.

flies. Time flies.

is money. An inch of time is worth an inch of gold.

and tide wait for noman. Time is ruthless; time passes easily; time waits for no one.

tries all. Time tests everything.

tries truth. Time tests truth.

Past cannot be called backagain. Time is gone and will never come back.

ime is no time when it is past. Time is gone and will never come back.

e can call back yesterday. Yesterday will not becalledagain. Yesterday will not come back again.

rrow es never. Never rely on tomorrow.

oday is worth otomorrows. 1 today is worth 2 tomorrows.

orning sun never lasts aday. Good times never last; the morning sun cannot shine all day long.

Christmas comes only once a year.

sant hours fly past. Happy hours fly past.

iness takes no account of time. Joy takes no account of time.

tames the strongest grief. Time softens extreme grief.

ay is short but the work i ***uch. There is a lot of work and time is tight.

r deter till tomorrow that which you candotoday. Today's things must be finished today, don't delay until tomorrow.

you somewhat to do tomorrow, doittoday. If you have something to do tomorrow, do it today.

m that does everything in its proper time, one day is worth three.

ve time is to lengthen life. Saving time is to lengthen life.

ything has its time and that time mustbewatched. Everything has its time, and the time must not be missed.

time when time es lest timestealaway. Time must come at the right time, otherwise time will go without a trace.

an opportunity is neglected, it never e*** ackto you. An opportunity cannot be missed, it will never come again; once the opportunity passes, it will never come again.

hay while the sun shines. Drying grass while the sun is good.

ke while the iron is hot. strike while the iron is hot.

Today, for you know not how much you maybehindered tomorrow. If you have something to do now, there may be many obstacles tomorrow.

Tuality is the soul of business. Punctuality is the key to building a business.

Rastination is the thief of time. Procrastination is the enemy of time; procrastination is a waste of time.

y tide has its ebb. Every rise must have its ebb.

Ledger is power. Knowledge is power.

om is more to be enviedthanriches. Knowledge is more enviable than wealth.

om is better than gold or silver. Knowledge is better than gold and silver.

om in the mind is better than money in the hand. Knowledge is better than money in the hand.

om is a good purchase though we pay dearforit. In order to seek knowledge, the price is high but it is worth it.

Doubt is the key of knowledge. Doubt is the key of knowledge.

If you want knowledge, you must toil forit. If you want knowledge, you must get it through hard work.

Simple knowledge is a dangerous thing. Simple knowledge is misleading.

A small amount of common sense is worth a bushel of learning.

Ledge advances by steps and notbyleaps. Knowledge can only be achieved step by step, not by leaps.

n wisdom by the folliesofothers. Learn wisdom from the follies of others.

good to learn at another man's cost.

om is to the mind what health is to the body.

Knowledge is to the spirit as health is to the body.

Experience is the best teacher. Experience is the best teacher.

rience is the father of wisdom and memorythemother.

Experience is the father of knowledge and memory is the mother of knowledge.

erity es by experience. Proficiency comes from experience.

Tice makes perfect. Practice makes perfect.

Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn innoother.

Rience without learning is better than learning without experience.

Experience without knowledge is better than learning without experience.

nce bought is worth ice taught.

Wisdom gained from experience is better than wisdom gained from learning; one personal experience is worth two teachers’ teachings.

ng is believing. Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times.

ness is the salt of life. Career is the salt of life.

e is only one me in this world. In this world, I am unique

ness makes a man as well astrieshim. Career can test people, and it can also cultivate people.

ness neglected i *** usinesslost. Neglecting a career means giving up a career.

r think yourself above business.

Don’t think too highly of yourself; don’t think you are too high-minded; don’t think you are a big talent with little use.

ness may be troublesome, but idlenessispernicious.

Although career is disturbing, laziness is even more harmful.

At thinks his business below he will always be above hi *** usiness.

People who think they are great but have little use often tend to have high ambitions but low abilities.

siness, but be not a slave toit. Do things, but don’t be a slave to things.

ybody's business isn't nobody's business. Everybody's business is nobody's business.

makes the workman. Hard work makes a skilled craftsman.

er master one than engagewithten. Knowing ten things is worse than being good at one.

k ill done must be icedone. If you don’t do it well the first time, you must do it again.

Who cannot do as they would, must do as theycan.

Even if you cannot do as they would, you must do your best.

u would have a thing well done, do ityourself.

If you want to do something well, you have to do it yourself.

at doth most at once doth least.

Want to do everything at once, but end up not being able to finish one thing; biting off more than one can chew.

most men do and men will speak well ofthee.

Do as most men do and men will speak well ofthee.

Do as most men do and men will speak well ofthee.

may be done at any time will be done atnotime.

Things that can be done at any time are always things that will not be done at any time.

68.I'm the best! I'm the greatest! I'm invincible!

I am the best. I am unconquerable.

ever is worth doing at all is worthdoingwell.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

The shortest answer is doing the thing. The shortest answer is the word "干".

on is the proper fruit of knowledge. Action is the good fruit of knowledge.

shed labors are pleasant. Getting work done is a pleasure.

lost labor to sow where there is nosoil. Without soil, sowing is in vain.

right to put everything in its properuse.

irs that are done by due degrees aresoonended.

Step by step, things are done quickly.

ork and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes a smart boy stupid.

bears witness who does well. Work can prove who does well.

78. I'mready for any challenge. I'm ready for any challenge.

The future is in my hands. It's totally uptome. I decide my future.

ness is business. Business is business.

81.I'm born to succeed. I am destined to succeed.

our shoulder to the wheel. Work hard.

r do things by halves. Don’t do things by halves.

r a penny, in for a pound. Once you start something, you must do it to the end; if you don't do it, you won't stop.

Hands make quick work. Many people make quick work.

hands make light work.

workman quarrels with his tools. Poorly skilled workers complain about their tools.

gence is the mother of success. Diligence is the mother of success.

ness is the root of all evil. Laziness is the root of all evil.

and diligence bring luck. Prudence and diligence bring good luck.

gence is the mother of goodfortune. Diligence is the mother of good fortune.

Stry is fortune's right hand, and frugality herleft. Diligence is the right hand of fortune, and frugality is the left hand of fortune.

ness is the key of beggary. Laziness makes beggars.

ot, no fruit. Without roots, there is no fruit.

people (folks) have the most labor (take the mostpains). When lazy people do work, the lazier they are, the more laborious it is.

h is the key of poverty. Laziness can lead to poverty.

h tarnishes the edge of wit. Idleness can tarnish the edge of wit.

le brain is the devil'sworkshop. The lazy man's mind is the devil's workshop.

ecret of wealth lies in the lettersSAVE. Frugality is the secret to wealth.

idle youth, a needy age. If a young man does not work hard, he will be sad