1. Those who love their relatives do not dare to be evil to others; those who respect their relatives do not dare to be rude to others. Love and respect are fulfilled in serving relatives, and moral education is imposed on the people, and punishments are imposed on the world, which is the filial piety of the emperor.
2. Keeping harmony is beneficial to the people. Tuowu was the first to appear, and all nations were in Xianning.
3. If you do not do good deeds, you are a bad person; if you do nothing great, you are a villain. Zhou was a man of no means, so he was called a lonely man; Ni accompanied his ministers, and he was called a prime king. That is to say, a gentleman does not care about wealth.
4. When ministers and kings hear that people are loyal and upright, they hate flattery. However, in the past, loyalty and uprightness have always been the cause of offending. Slandering those who are lucky is because it is difficult to listen to loyalty and it is easy to follow flattery.
5. When you go out, you feel like you are seeing a distinguished guest, and the people feel like you are receiving a great sacrifice. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. No resentment in the country, no resentment at home.
6. Ministers must not be disrespectful, as this is a sign of the people. Ministers must not be careless; this is the way of the people.
7. A minister who pays too much attention to his salary but fails to give strict advice, a minister who is afraid of sin and dare not speak out, and a person who has low sentiments but cannot communicate with others is a serious danger.
8. If you cover the world with greatness, you can accommodate the world; if you cover the world with faith, you can make promises to the world; if you cover the world with benevolence, you can pray for the world; if you cover the world with kindness, you can rule the world; with power you can control the world. Do not lose the world; do not doubt anything, and then the world will rely on you. These six are prepared, and then you can govern the world.
9. It is a big taboo to know the evil of one's body and not change it. To rob one's body is to lose one's body. If one does this, it is called a taboo.