It is said that the younger brother of Wu Zetian's prime minister, Lord Lou, went to other places to be an official. Before leaving, Mr. Lou asked him, "What if someone scolds you and spits on your face?"
His brother said, "I don't talk back, I just wipe the saliva off." Teacher Lou said, "No, if you do this, others will think you hold a grudge. Don't wipe it off, let the wind dry it and greet it with a smile. "
This is an allusion to dry your face. If someone speaks ill of you, you will lose in defending yourself. If this matter is unclear, it will only add insult to injury. How can you prove that you didn't pee anywhere when others framed you? The method is not without, but the difficulty and cost are extremely high and uneconomical. Therefore, in the face of others saying bad things about you, you just laugh it off without excuses.
For example:
Sister Li is a neutral person. She usually likes to talk to others about things in the company at lunch time. So if you want to tell the truth to Sister Li, you can invite Sister Li to have lunch together, and then explain what you should say through lunch interaction with Sister Li.
The key to winning the neutral zone on your side is to approach each other in a way that they are willing to accept, so as to prove themselves, and to take the opportunity to establish a good communication relationship with each other.
Whether it is communication in the workplace, campus or even friends circle,
One more person who "knows" you may have one more person who "recognizes" you.