Here we pay taxes in addition to enjoying the sunshine and air. ——A classic saying by Westerners describing the wide scope of taxation
The duty of the good shepherd is to shear the sheep, not to skin the sheep. ―Tiburius Caesar
The legitimacy of a tax depends on its substance, not its name. ―Benjamin N. Cardoso
I am willing to pay taxes as long as it is handed over to a friendly government. ―Dick Gregory
The most difficult thing to understand in the world is income tax. ―Albert Einstein
Inflation is a tax that does not require legislation. ―Milton Friedman
As a citizen, you have the obligation to pay taxes, and you must also understand your rights as a taxpayer. ―Donald C. Alexander
Taxes go hand in hand with the benefits you receive. ― Emerson
Taxation is the main pillar of the country. ―Cicero
Taxes should be proportionate to the amount that individuals share each year. ―Thomas Jefferson
The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of the prison walls. ―Dennis Heller
Taxes are like mothers, often misunderstood but rarely forgotten. ——Lord Branwell
The art of taxation is to pluck as many goose feathers as possible while minimizing the noise from the goose. ―Colbert
Any tax privilege is unfair. ― Voltaire
I pay taxes on my income. It is the most important thing in my life and makes me feel the greatest honor. ——-Mark Twain
Taxes are the price we pay for civilization. ——Oliver Wendell Holmes