1. Baili Negimi
Zhong Yuan, also known as Zilu or Jilu, was a native of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period and a proud disciple of Confucius. He was straightforward, brave and very filial. In his early years, his family was poor, so he often picked wild vegetables to make meals, but he carried rice home from hundreds of miles away to serve his parents. After the death of his parents, he became a high official and was ordered to go to the state of Chu. He was accompanied by hundreds of chariots and horses, and he had as much grain as ten thousand bells.
Sitting on the stacked brocade mattresses and eating a sumptuous feast, he often missed his parents and sighed: "Even if I want to eat wild vegetables and carry rice for my parents, where can I get it again?" Confucius praised and said: "You serve your parents with your best while you are alive, but you will miss them after you die" ("Confucius' Family Sayings").
2. Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty respected his teacher
When Emperor Liu Zhuang of the Han Ming Dynasty was the crown prince, Dr. Huan Rong was his teacher. Later, he succeeded to the throne and became the emperor. "He still respected Huan Rong as his teacher." present". He personally went to Taichang Mansion, asked Huan Rong to sit on the east side, set up a few sticks, and listened to the teacher's instructions as he did when giving lectures. He also summoned hundreds of students who had been taught by Chaozhong Baiguan and Huan Rong to Taichang Mansion to pay homage to Huan Rong as disciples.
When Huan Rong fell ill, Emperor Ming sent people to express condolences and even visited the teacher in person. Every time he visited the teacher, Emperor Ming would get off the car and walk there as soon as he entered the street to show his respect. After entering the door, I would often hold the teacher's skinny hand and weep silently for a long time.
The emperor of the dynasty treated Huan Rong like this, so "the princes, generals, and officials who asked about illness did not dare to ride to the door again and worshiped under the bed." When Huan Rong died, Emperor Ming also changed his clothes, attended the funeral in person, and made proper arrangements for his children.
3. Taste the decoction personally
Emperor Liu Heng of Han Dynasty, the third son of Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty, was born to Empress Dowager Bo. He became emperor in the eighth year of his reign (18 BC). He was known all over the world for his benevolence and filial piety, and he never slacked off in serving his mother. His mother had been ill for three years, and he often couldn't sleep without blinking an eye or taking off his clothes. He personally tasted the decoctions his mother took before letting her take them with confidence.
He reigned for 24 years, focusing on moral governance, promoting etiquette, and paying attention to the development of agriculture, which stabilized the Western Han Dynasty society, prospered the population, and restored and developed the economy. His reign with Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty was known as " The rule of Wenjing".
4. Zengzi avoided the banquet
Zengzi was a disciple of Confucius. Once he was sitting next to Confucius. Confucius asked him: "The sage kings in the past had supreme virtue. The essential and profound theories are used to teach the people of the world, so that people can live in harmony and there will be no dissatisfaction between kings and ministers. Do you know what they are?"
Zengzi listened and understood his teacher Confucius. He wanted to teach him the most profound truth, so he immediately stood up from the mat he was sitting on, walked outside the mat, and replied respectfully: "I'm not smart enough. How can I know? Please ask the teacher to teach me these principles." ."
Here, "avoiding the mat" is a very polite behavior. When Zengzi heard that the teacher wanted to teach him, he stood up and walked outside the mat to ask the teacher for advice. His respect for his teachers. The story of Zengzi's politeness was passed down to future generations, and many people learned from him.
5. Cheng Menlixue
Yang Shi admired Er Cheng's knowledge and went to Luoyang to study under Cheng Hao. Cheng Hao died four years later and continued to study under Cheng Hao. division. At this time, he was already 40 years old, but he still respected his teacher and studied hard. One day, it was snowing heavily and the weather was freezing cold. When Yang Shi encountered a difficult problem, he braved the biting cold wind and asked his classmate You Ye (1053-1123) to go to his teacher's house for advice.
When he came to the teacher's house, he saw that the teacher was sitting in a chair and fell asleep. He couldn't bear to disturb him for fear of affecting the teacher's rest, so he stood quietly outside the door and waited. When the teacher woke up, there was already a foot of snow under their feet and their bodies were covered with snow. The teacher hurriedly invited Yang Shi and others into the room to teach them. Later, "Cheng Men Li Xue" became a widely circulated example of respecting teachers.