It is said that he is the kind of person who tidies his hair, beard and clothes all day. As for the guests who asked to meet, the king asked them to dress in strict accordance with court etiquette, regardless of gender, age and health status.
Not satisfied with his height, he is also the inventor of high heels. In fact, Louis XIV's lifestyle can be called "luxury" not only in clothes, but also in court decoration and diet. Although this luxury also lost a lot of money, it is really worth writing down in the history of French fashion. Louis XIV is also the foundation of French luxury goods industry. It was with the support of Louis XIV that his finance minister Cobo made a series of changes in French culture and economic industry, which made the French luxury goods industry take shape.
"French fashion is like a gold mine in Peru and Spain. In order to develop the silk industry in Lyon, France, he invited the best textile craftsmen in Italy to train their own craftsmen. He not only vigorously developed the silk industry, but also developed the wool industry. Legally, the French are required to consume fabrics and clothes made in France. He set up an industry association to disperse the original works in the manual workshop, from the jewelry industry (lace, ribbon, lace, hat, etc. ) to the concentration of fabric manufacturers and male and female tailors, standardized the industry behavior and improved the overall quality and commercial operation of products. In short, French luxury goods can become an industry with a complete ecological chain, which is closely related to Copco's behavior during this period.