At least 5 sentences combining learning with application.
Confucius said, "In a threesome, there must be a teacher. Choose good and follow it, but change it if it is not good. " Confucius said: "learning without thinking is useless;" It is dangerous to think without studying. 1, Learning and Writing, the first article 1. 1 Translation Confucius said, "Isn't it pleasant to review exercises after learning?" Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? I'm not disgusted or angry that people don't understand me. Isn't he also a virtuous gentleman? 1.2 "Translation" A son said, "It is rare to see people who are filial to their parents, obedient to their brothers and like to offend the upper rulers. I don't like to offend the upper rulers, but there are no people who like to rebel. When a gentleman is committed to the fundamental things, the truth of governing the country and being a man is established. Filial piety to parents and obedience to brothers is the foundation of benevolence! Confucius said: "If such people use sweet words and pretend to be likable, there will be no kindness.". 1.4 Ceng Zi's Translation Ceng Zi said: "I have to reflect on myself many times every day. Do I try my best to do things for others? Is it honest and trustworthy to associate with friends? Have you reviewed what the teacher taught you? "1.5" Confucius said: "To govern a country with 1,000 personnel carriers, we must handle state affairs strictly and conscientiously, keep promises, be honest and perform official duties, save financial expenses, care for officials and servants, and help the people not to miss the farming season. "1.6" Translation "Confucius said:" Disciples are filial to their parents in front of them; When you are away from home, you should obey your teachers, be cautious in words and deeds, be honest and trustworthy, behave yourself, love everyone widely, and be close to benevolent people. After practicing like this, if you still have spare capacity, you will study literary knowledge again. " 1.7 "Translation" Xia Zi said: "One can value virtue rather than women; Serve your parents and do your best; Serving the monarch can give his life; Communicate with friends, speak honestly and keep your word. Such a person, although he says he hasn't studied, I must say he has. "1.8" Translation "Confucius said:" A gentleman has no solemnity and dignity; Learning can make people not blocked; Give priority to faithfulness and don't make friends with people who are different from you; If you make a mistake, don't be afraid to correct it. "1.9" Ceng Zi said: "Treating parents' death carefully and remembering their long-term ancestors will naturally make people more and more honest. "1. 10" Translation "Qin Zi asked Zi Gong," When a teacher arrives in a country, he always hears about the political affairs of that country. Did he ask for it himself or did the monarch give it to him? Zi Gong said, "The teacher is gentle and courteous, so he got this qualification (this qualification can also be said to be obtained), but the method he sought may be different from others'? "