Text: Confucius said: the way of heaven and earth is based on morality, the way is life, and things are right. To a minimum, it's not expensive, so don't make meritorious deeds, respect your position, show your name, be polite or Qiang Bing. Therefore, standing without teaching, obviously not observing, standing without teaching, not robbing people of their abilities, obviously not observing, and not harming them. Teaching a Taoist husband is immoral and harmful to others. Therefore, in the four seasons of Yin and Yang, Jin Mu is in a state of fire and water, with different people, and everything is harmonious and alien. Wise men don't teach each other, but capable people don't accept each other. Therefore, saints legislate to guide people's hearts and make them all sexual. Therefore, the living have no virtue, and the dead have no complaints. "Heaven and earth are heartless, taking everything as grass dogs, saints are heartless, and people are grass dogs." The husband is kind, and the narrow road is close, and the narrow one is fascinated, and the near one is confused. The sage's way, not confused by the great, is often self-defeating and can be extreme. It's called Tiande.
Note: Wen Zi believes that the operation of heaven and earth follows the path, which is mainly reflected in the natural virtue of all things. Tao runs through the nature and life of all things and becomes its principle, and everything dies according to its life. The smallest things are in it, and the smallest changes don't need to be expressed in tangible things. Therefore, the way of heaven and earth can make all things stand on their own feet without waiting for concrete deeds. Heaven and earth are naturally noble and do not need anyone's respect. They are naturally manifested through all things, without fame and fortune, courtesy and any force. Therefore, the avenue unifies the establishment of fair rules, and then let nature take its course, so that everything changes and dies according to its rules, and heaven and earth do not deliberately interfere with natural changes; If we establish a fair and unified rule and then let nature take its course, we can't take away the nature of everything, and everything will change with its own nature and die. If heaven and earth do not deliberately interfere with the nature of everything, everything can evolve according to its own natural development and do its best. If a rule is made and it is not allowed to develop naturally, the nature of everything will be disturbed and the growth and development of everything will be hurt. Therefore, although the four seasons of Yin and Yang have the same time sequence for all things, Jin Mu's five elements of fire, water and soil have the same influence on all things. Even if the truth of things is the same, the final development result is different, so everything can develop into ever-changing forms and situations under the same conditions. In order to make the wise men not fight for the title of teacher, and the wise men not fight for the title of saint, saints make laws to persuade all people to cultivate their minds, so that they can return to a natural and simple life, so that everyone can be natural, so that the living can not suffer from their goodness, and the dead do not hate saints. Therefore, Lao Tzu said, "Heaven and earth are heartless, everything is a grass dog, saints are heartless, and people are grass dogs." Those who like to impose righteousness are all people caught in the narrow road. Narrow-minded people are too narrow-minded and too small, so they are fascinated by big and close people, too narrow-minded and too short-sighted, so they travel far and are confused. As for the sage's way, taking the nature of heaven and earth as a teacher, he can enter the big without confusion, travel far without confusion, always keep his heart empty and keep his quiet, and often return to his true colors.
There are several words: conformism, arrogance and naturalness.
The operation of the universe has its own reasons, and heaven and earth have their own places. The deeds and relationships between human beings, the ones that open the ends of heaven and earth, and the Tao, also make heaven and earth start to circulate, and the endless ones, and the Tao. Man is a magical force between heaven and earth. He can know it systematically and understand it. Can approximate analysis imitation, image also; You can imitate analogy and innovate. People who can feel it, whether or not; Those who can be enlightened are also empty and true; Understanding people, phenomena and essence; Analysis, law and relationship also; There are no bones left, and the physical heaven is also; Those who can imitate work with heaven and earth; Innovators, endless cycle and evolution, the road to self-improvement, the road to arrogance.
The way of heaven and earth, moral nature. Although everything is the same but different, the way is similar but the quality is different, the truth is the same but the fate is different, the situation is similar but different, and the situation changes but the situation is different. Therefore, people who sympathize with all forms have the same body but different positions, similar situations but different States. But everything in the world can be rational, take advantage of the trend at any time, do our best, enough is enough, be self-contained and natural. Therefore, saints view the image of heaven and earth, follow the way of heaven and earth, educate people, do their best in human feelings, personnel and humanity, enrich the moral meaning, declare their harmony and joy, return to simplicity and return to the truth, so that the living have no virtue, the dead have no complaints, and everyone can be natural.
Therefore, human nature is natural, and emptiness and loneliness are natural. Sages learn from heaven and earth, nurture and educate, put morality first, and be generous and natural. Ming Jun dies by law, life and death are taken away, benevolence and righteousness are taken as duties, and Zhi Zhi can return to Germany with contentment. The rest who have no way to learn the law are unable to rely on people's livelihood, benevolence, morality and situation. They are nothing more than the light of a grain of rice, the death of a meteor, the brightness of a candle, the instant interest, and the non-constant way.