Zhu Xi said: If we use two books to describe it, we can understand one book and then the other. In a book, every chapter, every word. The order of first and last should be orderly and not chaotic. Do what you can and do it with caution. The word seeks its instruction. The sentence asks for its purpose. Don't get the past. Don't dare to ask for the past. I have not understood this. I dare not aim at that. If this is the case, the will and theorem will be clear, and there will be no danger of the Yi mausoleum being neglected. If the journey is limited, take advantage of it. I've been wandering around. Then look at it but don’t look at it. I feel that this illness is not a trivial matter. Yuan Lai's Taoism is unknown. It’s not because of the lack of effort. There are no roots or legs underneath. This is what it says in a step-by-step manner.
Gao Yongzuo: There is never a shortcut to learning, so climb to the top step by step.
Hua Luogeng: We must proceed step by step! The path I have taken is a step-by-step path.
Pavlov: 1. To know something all at once means knowing nothing at all. 2. To do it step by step.