One night, Wang Xizhi practiced calligraphy under the lamp and practiced. White paper was written one after another and spread all over the floor. Late at night, he still looked and thought word for word. He is still dissatisfied with his words.
I was too tired to practice, so I squatted on the desk with a pen in my hand. Suddenly, a breeze blew and a white cloud floated by. On the cloud, an old man with a silver beard and hair looked at him and said, "Your handwriting is good!" " "
"Where, where!" Wang Xizhi proposed to sit down and answer modestly. Seeing the old man carefully looking at his handwriting, he asked, "Lao Zhang, please correct me."
Seeing Wang Xizhi's sincerity, the old man said, "You reach out."
Xihe doesn't know what the old man is going to do. Seeing that the old man was serious and didn't like joking, he slowly reached over. The old man took the pen and said with a smile, "I think you are sincerely learning to write and let you know a pen."
Tactics will play a role in the future. The old man said, wrote a word on Wang Xizhi's palm, then nodded and said, "You will make faster progress." Then Wang Xizhi quickly shouted, "Where is your home? "Just listen.
There is a faint voice in the air: "White clouds on the roof ..."
Wang Xizhi saw the word "forever" in his palm. He compared, rowed, wrote and practiced, and finally realized that the strokes of square characters and the tips of bookshelf structure are all embodied in the word "forever" Since then, Wang Xizhi has practiced harder and his calligraphy has become more free and easy.
Later, Wang Xizhi returned to Shaoxing, met with literary friends in Lanting, and wrote the calligraphy treasure "Preface to Lanting". Wang Xizhi never forgot the word "forever" inscribed by Mr. Baiyun in Tiantai Mountain, and sincerely wrote a book "Yellow Seam Cave", which was placed in an abrupt and steep cave on the top of the mountain, and was later called "Yellow Seam Cave".