The more parents nag, the more rebellious their children are, which has become a topic that many parents worry about. As parents, we need to understand that parents' nagging is a way to care for and love their children in their hearts. In children's minds, it is control, distrust, incomprehension and disrespect. In fact, a good parent-child relationship should be that children talk more and parents talk less. The more children talk, the more parents know about their children. The more parents know their children, the smoother their communication will be, forming a virtuous circle.
why do parents become more rebellious when they nag their children?
1. Being too wordy leads to confrontation between parents and children. Parents don't understand that wordiness is actually a mental fatigue bombing of children. Endless repeated criticism will only make children bored, provoke children's evil intentions towards you, make the atmosphere severe and intensify the opposition. Or lose awe of mom and dad, can make children develop "lazy mind", the more you talk, the less effective!
2, wordiness, let children feel manipulated, betrayal will happen, mom and dad's wordiness reflects a strong position, a little too much manipulation of the children's days, which is a very selfish embodiment, not really good for the children. In addition, the child is in the period of youthful betrayal. "Where there is squeezing, there is resistance."
3. The verbosity of parents will make children feel disproud. To some extent, verbosity is a kind of distrust and reproachful behavior, that is, parents are not good at manipulating their emotions and venting their expectations and dissatisfaction on their children. If it goes on for a long time, mom and dad's lack of pride will be passed on to the children, and the children will bear great mental pressure, which will make the children less proud. When children's negative moods accumulate too much, it will also affect their temperament and character development.
4. The child pretends to be listening, but doesn't pay attention at all. This is what happens when you listen to the same sound for a long time, and you don't care. When children build a long-winded "firewall" in their hearts, it is difficult to penetrate the "wisdom words" of parents.
The more parents nag their children, the more rebellious they are. How to communicate with them correctly?
First, children's thoughts should be fully respected. Once a child forms consciousness, he has dignity. At any time, respecting his own children is the key to communication.
Second, we should learn more about children's thoughts, and know from their hearts what they really want, how to do it, and finally what to achieve.
Third, do more interesting activities with children to increase mutual affection.
Fourth, it is never too late to learn, to keep up with the progress of the times, and to have the same topic with children.
educating children can't be solved by wordiness. To think about it from a different perspective, as long as the child does not violate the fault in principle, should mom and dad loosen the child appropriately? Sometimes let the children let nature take its course, give them less verbal pressure, and it's easy to be a parent!