1. Wang Xianzhi practicing calligraphy
Wang Xianzhi is the seventh son of the famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi. He was influenced by his father and loved calligraphy since he was a child. He saw that his father's calligraphy was very good. , everyone is copying his calligraphy, I am really envious. I don’t know when I will become a great and respected calligrapher like my father.
Once, he couldn't help it anymore and asked his father: "Father, why do you write so well?" Wang Xizhi smiled and said, "If you want to know the secret, come tomorrow morning." Come to the yard." The next day, Wang Xianzhi came to the yard early and found that his father had already been practicing calligraphy there. When Wang Xizhi saw his son coming, he pointed to the eighteen tanks of water in the yard and said, "There is no secret to calligraphy, as long as you write After finishing these eighteen jars of water, the calligraphy will come naturally."
Wang Xianzhi was deeply inspired and practiced calligraphy day and night. Year after year, after he finished writing these eighteen jars of water, his hard work paid off and he finally became a great calligrapher.
2. Mao Yisheng determined to build a bridge
On the Dragon Boat Festival when Mao Yisheng was eleven years old, a lively dragon boat race was held on the Qinhuai River in Nanjing. He made an appointment with his friends to go to the riverside to have a good look. But unfortunately, he suddenly fell ill the night before and had to stay at home. On the Dragon Boat Festival, Mao Yisheng was lying on the bed, but his heart flew to the Qinhuai River. How he envied his little friend!
In the evening, the friends came back, all listless, with tears in their eyes. Mao Yisheng was very surprised. After asking, he found out that something happened on the Qinhuai River. Because there were so many people watching the dragon boats, an ancient arch called Wende Bridge collapsed, and many people fell into the river and drowned. This is so unfortunate. Mao Yisheng stared at the ceiling blankly, and it took him a long time to say one sentence: "When I grow up, I must learn to build bridges and build the strongest bridge for everyone!"
< p>From then on, Mao Yisheng's mind was almost occupied by bridges. Whenever he sees a bridge when he goes out, he always looks up and down carefully. When he reads something about a bridge, he immediately writes it down in his notebook. He has countless pictures and photos of various bridges in his collection. Because of this, he was nicknamed "Little Bridge Fan"!