Confucius said: "Being respectful but rude will lead to fatigue; being cautious but rude will lead to chaos; being brave but rude will lead to chaos; being straightforward but rude will lead to strangulation.
A gentleman is devoted to his family. , then the people will prosper with benevolence; if the old things are not left behind, then the people will not steal.
Confucius said to the Ji family, "Eight people dancing in the court are tolerable, but who can't be tolerated?"
Youzi said: "The purpose of etiquette is harmony.
The way of the ancient kings is beautiful; the small and the big can follow it.
It is impossible to do something that is not feasible, but to be harmonious and to be harmonious without using etiquette is not feasible.
Confucius said: Prosperity comes from poetry.
Established in etiquette.
Success comes from music.
Confucius said: Ma Mian is a courtesy.
Now it is pure frugality.
Bow down, it is a courtesy.
Now it is a courtesy. Taiye, although it goes against everyone, I will follow you.
Confucius said: If you are advanced in ritual and music, you are a barbarian; if you are late in ritual and music, you are a gentleman.
If you use it, then I will. From the advanced.
Confucius said: "How can a country be governed by courtesy? How can it be done? If a country cannot be governed by courtesy, what is the use of courtesy?"
Confucius said: "A gentleman is knowledgeable in literature. , if you make an appointment with etiquette, you can do it!"
Ding Gong asked: "The king entrusts his ministers, and the ministers serve the emperor, how is it?" Confucius said: "The king envoys the ministers with etiquette, and the ministers serve the emperor. Be loyal to the king.
Confucius said: If you don’t know destiny, you can’t be a gentleman.
If you don’t know etiquette, you can’t stand up.
If you don’t know words, you can’t be a gentleman. , there is no way to know people.
Confucius said: The rites are clouds and the rites are clouds! The jade and silk are so great! The music is clouds and the music is so great!
The Analects of Confucius talks about civilized etiquette. Sentences
Answer: "Those who are unkind cannot stay together for a long time and cannot enjoy each other for long periods of time.
A benevolent person is at ease with benevolence, and a wise person is beneficial to benevolence.
” “If you are determined to be benevolent, there is no evil in you.
” “When you see danger and give orders, when you see benefit, you think of justice” “Don’t look at anything that’s not polite, don’t listen to anything that’s not polite, don’t speak anything that’s not polite, don’t do anything that’s not polite