1-overall, the seating order is "respecting the east from the left" and "respecting the gate". If it's a round table, it's the host and guest facing the gate. In terms of the distance from the host and guest, the closer to the host and guest, the more respected it is. At the same distance, the left side is more respected than the right side. If it is a square table, if there is a seat facing the gate, the right seat on the side of the gate is the host and guest. If it is not facing the gate, the right seat on the east side is the chief. If it is a big banquet, the arrangement between tables should pay attention to the chief, with 2, 4 and 6 seats on the left and 3, 5 and 7 seats on the right. According to the identity and status of the host and guest, the relatives and friends should sit separately. If you are the host, you should arrive early, then wait at the door and show the guests seats. If you are the invitee, you should be seated according to the host's arrangement. Generally speaking, if your boss is present, you should lead him to the main seat and ask the customer to sit on the left side of the main seat at the highest level. Unless the host's leadership level is very high.
2-Ordering If time permits, you should wait until most of the guests arrive, circulate the menu to the guests and invite them to order. Of course, as a business banquet, you will be worried about the budget. Therefore, to control the budget, it is most important for you to do more homework before cooking. It is more important to choose a suitable place for guests, so that guests can greatly understand your budget. Besides, generally speaking, if you pay the bill and the guests are not too embarrassed to order, you will be the master. If your boss is also at the banquet, don't let him/her order because he respects him or thinks that he is experienced in socializing and eats too much, unless he/she asks for it on his/her own initiative. Otherwise, he will feel that he is not decent enough. If you are a party goer, you should know that you should not be too active in ordering, but let the host order. If the other party kindly requests, you can order a dish that is not too expensive and not taboo. Remember to ask the people at the table for advice, especially "Is there anything you don't eat?" Or "What do you prefer to eat?" Make everyone feel taken care of. After ordering, you can ask "I ordered, I don't know if it suits several people's tastes", "Would you like something else" and so on. When ordering food, be sure to have a clear idea. When ordering food, you can look at the composition of personnel according to the following three rules. Generally speaking, one dish per capita is a general rule. If it is a dinner party with more men, the amount can be increased appropriately. Second, look at the dish combination. Generally speaking, a table of dishes is best to be well-prepared, cold and hot, and try to be comprehensive. If there are more men on the table, you can order more meat, and if there are more women, you can order more light vegetables. Third, look at the importance of banquets. If it is an ordinary business banquet, an average dish is acceptable from 5 yuan to 8 yuan. If the object of this banquet is a key person, then order a few dishes with enough weight, such as lobster, swordfish and shad, and then serve abalone, wing powder and so on. Another thing to note is that when ordering, you should not ask the waiter about the price of the dishes or bargain, which will make your company look a little petty in front of customers and customers will feel uncomfortable.
attachment: Chinese food ordering instruction-three excellent and four taboos for a standard Chinese meal. Usually, cold dishes are served first, followed by hot frying, followed by main course, then dim sum and soup. If you feel a little tired, you can order some dessert after dinner and finally serve a fruit plate. When ordering food, we should take into account the dishes of each procedure. Priority dishes
First, dishes with Chinese characteristics. When entertaining foreign guests, we should pay more attention to this one. Such as fried spring rolls, boiled dumplings, steamed dumplings, lion's head, diced chicken with peanuts, etc., are not delicious, but they are highly praised by many foreigners because of their distinctive China characteristics.
second, dishes with local characteristics. For example, mutton in soup in Xi 'an, braised pork in Maojia, Hunan, stewed lion's head in Shanghai, and instant-boiled mutton in Beijing, when entertaining foreign guests there, I'm afraid these special dishes will be more praised than the same raw seafood.
third, the specialty of this restaurant. Many restaurants have their own specialties. The last special dish of this restaurant can show the host's care and respect for the invited guests. When arranging the menu, we must also consider the dietary taboos of the guests, especially the dietary taboos of the guests.
There are four main dietary taboos
1. Religious dietary taboos should not be neglected at all. For example, Muslims usually don't eat pork and don't drink alcohol. Buddhists in China eat less meat, which not only refers to meat, but also includes pungent food such as onion, garlic, leek and mustard. Some Buddhists who believe in Guanyin are especially forbidden to eat beef in their diet, which should be paid special attention to when entertaining Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and overseas Chinese compatriots.
2. For health reasons, some foods are also taboo. For example, people with heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and sequelae of stroke are not suitable for eating dog meat. People with hepatitis should avoid eating mutton and soft-shelled turtle. People with digestive diseases such as gastroenteritis and stomach ulcer soup are also not suitable for eating soft-shelled turtle. Patients with high blood pressure and high cholesterol should drink less chicken soup.
3. People's dietary preferences are often different in different regions. For this, we should take into account when arranging the menu. For example, people in Hunan Province generally like to eat spicy food and eat less sweets. People in Britain and America usually don't eat pets, rare animals, animal viscera, animal heads and claws. In addition, when entertaining foreign guests, try to eat less hard dishes, and foreigners are less likely to spit out food that has been bitten into their mouths during meals, which also needs to be taken into account.
4. Some occupations, for some reason, often have different special taboos in catering. For example, national civil servants are not allowed to eat and be invited when performing official duties, to eat and drink at official banquets, to eat beyond the standards set by the state, and to drink alcoholic beverages. For another example, drivers are not allowed to drink alcohol during work. If you ignore this point, you may make the other party make mistakes.
3—— People in China are generally very particular about eating, and they are also very particular about eating. With more and more attention paid to workplace etiquette, eating and eating at the business table are also more particular. Take Chinese food as an example to teach you how to be polite and elegant at the dinner table. At the beginning of a Chinese banquet, the first wet towel sent by the waiter is to wipe your hands. Don't use it to wipe your face. When lobster, chicken and fruit are served, a small water lemon with lemon slices or rose petals floating in it is not a drink, but for washing hands. When washing your hands, you can take turns to wet your fingers, rinse them gently, and then dry them with a small towel. Pay attention to manners when eating. Don't persuade foreign guests repeatedly, but introduce the characteristics of Chinese food to each other, and it's up to him to eat or not. Some people like to persuade others, and even help them. Foreign guests don't have this habit. If you are polite again and again, people may resent it: "I said I wouldn't eat it. What do you have to force me to do?" By analogy, attend a banquet hosted by foreign guests, and don't expect the host to give you food repeatedly. If you wait for someone to serve you food, you'll have to be hungry. After the guests are seated, don't start eating immediately. Instead, guests should wait for the host to say hello and raise their glasses to signal the start. Guests can't get ahead of their hosts. To be civilized, you should wait for the dishes to turn to yourself before moving chopsticks. Don't grab in front of your neighbor, and it is not advisable to take too many dishes at a time. Chew slowly, which is not only conducive to digestion, but also a etiquette requirement at the table. Never put a large piece in your mouth and wolf it down, which will give people the impression of greed. Don't be picky about food, don't just stare at your favorite food, or hurriedly pile your favorite dishes on your plate. The action of eating should be elegant. Don't touch your neighbor when eating. Don't put the dishes on the table. Don't spill the soup. Don't make unnecessary noises, such as "purring" when eating soup and "popping" when eating vegetables, which are all vulgar expressions. Don't talk to people while eating. Don't spit the bones and fishbones in your mouth on the table. Cover your mouth with a napkin and take them out with chopsticks and put them on a plate. Don't eat the food that has fallen on the table. Don't play with bowls and chopsticks during eating, or use chopsticks to go straight to others. Don't dig in your mouth with your hands. When picking your teeth with a toothpick, cover your mouth with your hand or napkin. Don't let the tableware make any noise. After eating, you can wipe your mouth with napkins, napkins or small towels sent by waiters, but it is not advisable to wipe your head, neck or chest; Don't burp or belch uncontrollably after meals; The guests can't leave the table before the host signals the end.
4—— As the saying goes, the more you drink, the thicker you get, but there are also a lot of knowledge to pay attention to on the wine table. The following summarizes some small details you have to pay attention to on the wine table.
detail 1: leaders drink each other before it's their turn to propose a toast. When toasting, you must stand up and raise your glasses with both hands.
detail 2: many people can respect one person, but never one person respects many people unless you are a leader.
detail 3: respect others by yourself. if you don't touch glasses, how much you drink depends on the situation, such as the amount of alcohol and the attitude of the other party. You must never drink less than the other party. You should know that you respect others by yourself.
detail 4: respect others by yourself. If you clink a glass, I will drink it, and you will be generous only if you are free.
detail 5: remember to add more wine to the leaders or customers. don't drink for the leaders blindly, that is, you have to replace them, but also when the leaders or customers really want to find someone to replace them, and pretend that you drink because you want to drink instead of for the leaders. For example, leader A can't be a good drinker. You can stop people who are going to worship leader A by beating around the bush.
Detail 6: Pick up the glass (beer glass), grab the glass with your right hand, and pad the bottom of the glass with your left hand. Remember that your glass is always lower than others. If you are a leader, be sensible and don't put too low, otherwise how can you be a man below?
detail 7: if there is no special person present, it is best to touch the wine in a timely order, and don't favor one over the other.
detail eight: clink glasses, toast, and make a statement, otherwise, why the fuck should I drink your wine?
detail 9: business is not discussed on the table. after drinking well, business is almost the same, and everyone knows it clearly, otherwise people will not be open to drinking with you.
detail 1: if, purely if, there is not enough wine, put the wine bottle in the middle of the table and let people refill it themselves. Don't pour the wine one by one foolishly, or what will the people behind you do if they have no wine?
about toasting 1. The host respects the guest of honor. 2. Accompany the guests and respect the guests. 3. The host and guest return the favor. 4. Accompany guests and respect each other. Remember: a guest must not make a toast in a noisy manner, which is very impolite and disrespectful to the host.
5-pouring tea The knowledge of pouring tea mentioned here applies to both customers visiting the company and business dining tables. First of all, the tea set should be clean. After the guests enter the room, sit down first and reserve tea. Before making tea, be sure to clean the tea set, especially the tea set that has not been used for a long time. It is inevitable that it will be stained with dust and dirt, and it should be carefully washed with clear water. It is best to iron the teapot and teacup with boiling water before making and pouring tea. In this way, not only pay attention to hygiene, but also appear polite. It's impolite to pour tea for guests regardless of whether the tea set is clean or not. People turn sick at the sight of stains on teapots and teacups. How can they still drink your tea? Now the general company is disposable cups. Before pouring tea, you should pay attention to put a cup holder on disposable cups, so as to avoid the hot water and make the guests unable to have a cup of tea for a while. Secondly, the tea should be moderate. Let's talk about tea first, generally it should be appropriate. There should be neither too much nor too little tea. Too much tea, too strong tea flavor; There are too few tea leaves, and the tea rushed out has no taste. If guests take the initiative to introduce their habit of drinking strong tea or weak tea, then make tea according to the guest's mouth and stomach. Besides, pouring tea, whether it is a big cup or a small cup, should not be too full. If it is too full, it will easily overflow and wet the table, stool and floor. If you are not careful, you will burn yourself or your guests' hands and feet, which will make both the host and the guest very embarrassed. Of course, it is not advisable to pour too little. If the tea is served to the guests only over the bottom of the cup, it will make people feel that they are pretending, not sincere. Third, the tea should be served properly. According to the traditional habits of our people, as long as both hands are not disabled, they all serve tea to guests with both hands. However, some young people don't understand this rule now, so they pass the tea to the guests with one hand. Attention should also be paid to serving tea with both hands. For a teacup with a cup ear, one hand is usually used to hold the cup ear, and the other hand is used to hold the bottom of the cup and serve the tea to the guests. After a teacup without a cup ear is filled with tea, it is hot all over, and it is difficult to get close to your hands. Some comrades, regardless of the willy-nilly, hold the edge of the cup mouth with five fingers and send it to the guests. Although this method of serving tea can prevent scalding accidents, it is unsightly and not hygienic enough. Please imagine, let the guest's mouth lick the owner's finger marks, feel good? Add tea. If the boss and customers need to add tea to their cups, you are duty-bound to do it. You can signal the waiter to add tea, or ask the waiter to leave the teapot on the dining table, and it is better to add it yourself. This is the best way to hide when you don't know what to say. Of course, when adding tea, you should first add tea to your boss and customers, and then add tea to yourself.
6—— Generally, it takes a long time to leave for cocktail parties and tea parties, both of which are more than two hours. Maybe after walking around a few times and knowing some people, you will want to leave soon. At this time, you can't help but understand some skills of leaving halfway. It is common that when a banquet is in full swing, because someone wants to leave, it causes everyone to disperse in a hubbub, which makes the organizer really anxious. To avoid the consequences of this kind of spoil the fun, when you want to leave halfway, don't say goodbye to everyone in the conversation circle, just quietly say hello to two or three people around you and then leave. If you leave the reception halfway, you must explain and apologize to the host who invited you. You must not disappear in a flash. Say hello to your host, and you should leave at once. Don't drag your host to talk endlessly in Daimon Masaru. Because the other party has a lot of things to do that day, there are still many guests waiting for him (her) to greet him (her). You take up too much time of the host, which will cause him (her) to be rude in front of other guests. Some people attend cocktail parties and tea parties, and when they are ready to leave halfway, they will ask everyone they know if they want to go together. As a result, the lively scene was so encouraged by her that it was dismissed early. This kind of noisy thing is most difficult to be forgiven by the host of the banquet. A graceful person should never make this mistake.
Rules on the wine table:
(1) If you really can't drink, don't take the first bite, and eat while holding a rice bowl
(2) If you are sure you want to drink, don't put ink on it, and then there are the rules.
Rule 1: Although the wine table is "affectionate and stuffy; Love is shallow, lick it. "But never talk about it when drinking.
rule 2: hide your strength and hide your strength, and never fill it up as soon as you get on the wine table.
rule 3: it's the leaders' turn to respect each other after drinking.
Rule 4: Many people can respect one person, and never one person can respect many people unless you are a leader.
Rule 5: Respect others by yourself. If you don't touch glasses, how much you drink depends on the situation. For example, the other person's drinking capacity and drinking attitude must not be less than that of the other person. You should know that you respect others by yourself.
Rule 6: Respect others by yourself. If you clink a glass, say, I'll finish it, and you'll get pregnant if you like.
Rule 7: Since your position is humble, remember to add more wine to the leader, and don't drink for the leader blindly, that's all.