Guan Yan offended the King of Qi and said to his left and right: "Who will come with me to the princes?" Guan Yan burst into tears and said: "Sad man, it's so easy to get scholars but so difficult to use them!" Tian Xian replied: "The scholars are not satisfied with three meals a day, but the king's geese and ducks have enough food; the lower palace is full of silkworms and silk clothes. 縠, and scholars should not be regarded as fate②. Those with wealth are despised by the king; the dead are valued by the scholars. The king is not willing to treat the scholars with the despise, but blames the scholars with the emphasis on the king. Non-scholars are easy to obtain and difficult to use. Yes! ”
①鍍: full.
②Edge: edge.
Guan Yan offended the King of Qi, so he said to his close associates, "Which of you can go to the princes for me?" one person answered. Guan Yan cried sadly and said, "How sad! Why are scholars so easy to get, but so difficult to use?" Tian Xu replied, "Scholars can't get enough to eat three meals a day at your place. How come you raise them?" There is not enough food for geese and ducks; your harem servants and concubines are all dressed in silk, silk, and satin, and it is impossible for the scholars to use them to make a hem for their clothes. Moreover, your wealth is something you despise. Yes, death is something that scholars value. You are unwilling to give the wealth that you value to the scholars, but you ask the scholars to serve you with the death that they value. This cannot be said to be "easy for the scholars to obtain but difficult to use." 'Ah!"