1. In an era where lies are everywhere, telling the truth is simply a revolutionary act!
2. Whoever controls the past controls the future, and whoever controls the present controls the past!
3. The animals looked at the pigs, at the people, at the people, at the pigs, then at the pigs, then at the people, but it was impossible to tell which was the pig and which was the human.
4. When you are overworked, a good way to treat self-pity is to think about the thousands of people in Paris restaurants who also work such long hours and stick to it, not just a few. weeks, but years.
5. The sloppiness of our language makes us easily confused. Orthodoxy and conservatism of any color seem to require a language that is lifeless and imitative.
6. There are truths and non-truths in the world. If you stick to the truth, you will not be crazy even if you have to fight against the whole world.
7. As long as you really don’t want to get anything in this world, you will definitely get it.
8. They say time heals all wounds, and they say you can always forget it all; but the smiles and tears over the years still make my heart hurt like a knife! The birds sing, the proletarians sing, but the Party does not sing.