Confucius said, "If you don't know yourself, you don't know others."
from the Analects of Confucius. Don't know me.
The original
Confucius said, "If you don't suffer from what others don't know, you don't know what others are."
Suffering from: anxiety, resentment. Don't know yourself: the inversion of "don't know yourself"
Confucius said, "Don't worry about others not knowing yourself, just worry about yourself not knowing others."
others don't understand me. I am still me, and I have nothing to lose. Therefore, "people don't know and don't care" is worth worrying about, and there is no complaining. 2. others don't understand their own sentences
1. Sometimes, I suddenly feel lonely, no one understands you, no one is with you, and occasionally I am crazy and noisy, as if I am out of place with the world.
2. When I was extremely disappointed, I wanted to say a long list of words to prove myself, but when the words came to my mouth, they turned into a wry smile. I felt that there was no need, and it was superfluous to say a word. 3. There are many stories that people envy, but they can only stop when they look at them. That is personality.
4. Don't let deep love turn into pain. If you don't love someone, please let go so that others can have a chance to love her. If the person you love gives up on you, please let yourself go so that you can have a chance to love others.
5. I don't want to talk more and more. The desire to communicate as vigorously as before has disappeared.
maybe it's because of pressure, or maybe it's because no one can understand it. I just need to know it myself, and I can do it myself without other people's approval or anyone's understanding and support. 6, you see me, I will not shed tears, I will not pretend to be fragile, I will not retain and rely on.
but you don't understand, such a me will feel scared and lonely just because I pretend to be strong, and I want to have a stable happiness as well. 7, enthusiasm is actually very fragile, exhausted patience, enough disappointment, the rest is only fatigue and indifference.
8, a person's grievances, a person understands, a person's bitterness, a person hurts. You don't have to tell everyone, you don't have to cry at everyone.
when you learn to pretend and try to be brave, you will no longer be afraid of facing everything alone and expect no one to be around. 3. Don't understand each other's feelings.
Love is another name for understanding. -Tagore
If people can't understand each other, how can they learn to respect each other silently? -Gorky
Understanding is absolutely the soil that nurtures all fruits of friendship. -Wilson
He who can forgive can save people. -You Bondarev
When we are understood, wisdom will not be exhausted; When wisdom meets wisdom, countless sparks burst out. -Marx
Understanding and understanding among friends make friendship last forever. —— Ai Qing
Everything should be considered from the other side's standpoint, which is the most effective way to reach understanding. -Gandhi
People who are inconsiderate will not be understood by others. -fuller
There is only one way to understand people: don't be impatient when judging them. -San Pedro
We love each other equally, because we know each other and respect each other. -Tolstoy's Childhood Teenagers