1. If you can talk to someone but don’t talk to them, you will lose someone. If you can't talk to him, you will make a mistake. Confucius's "The Analects of Confucius Wei Linggong"
2. The eagle stands as if sleeping, and the tiger moves as if it is sick. This is where he grabs and bites people. Therefore, a gentleman must be smart and not show off his talents, so that he can have the strength to shoulder great responsibilities. Hong Yingming's "Cai Gen Tan"
3. Dogs do not regard good barking as good, and people do not regard good words as virtuous. "Zhuangzi Xu Wugui"
4. A great man only makes earth-shattering things in his career. He always thinks deeply and quietly. Krylov
5. The power of words is so powerful that it can wake the dead from their graves, bury the living alive, turn dwarfs into giants, and completely defeat giants. Heine "The Current Situation in France"
6. Words are the most effective medicine used by human beings. Kipling's "Speech"
7. Exaggeration is of no use. "The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Shu Shu Ma Liang Biography"
8. It is rich but not a word is left out, and the agreement is not missing a word. Shang Jizong
9. I hope in words, I believe you can learn this lesson and use your intelligence. Liao Jianhua
10. The communicative effect of silent expressions is five times that of spoken words. "The Mysterious Language of the Human Body" by Wang Fuxiang
11. Words must be popular to spread far, and words must close to the wind to move people. "Feng Yumei's Reunion, a Popular Novel in Beijing"
12. If you speak correctly, you will know; if you speak silently, you will also know. "Xunzi is not the Twelve Sons"
13. Slanderous words are sweet, but virtuous words are straightforward. If it is sweet, it is easy to enjoy, but if it is straight, it is difficult to enter. Zhang Jiuling
14. Therefore, it is as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as aggressive as fire, as motionless as a mountain, as unpredictable as the clouds, and as moving as thunder. Loot the countryside to divide people, expand the territory to divide profits, and act with power in mind. The person who predicts and uses a straightforward strategy will win. This is the method of military warfare. Sun Tzu's Art of War
15. How many things people have to say just to break the silence. Elias Canetti "The Human State of Mind"
16. Words are the shadow of action. Democritus's "Fragments of Writings"
17. This can be a guide for wise people, but it is difficult for ordinary people to explain it. Sima Qian
18. The words may be more superficial than the meaning, but the meaning may not be fulfilled by the words. Su Shi
19. There is no constant trust in words and no constant chastity in deeds. If you are only interested in profit and do everything, you can be called a villain. Xunzi
20. False words can be proven over time, and public opinion can be resolved over time. Liu Yuxi
21. Giving words to others is more important than gold, stone, pearls and jade; persuading others to use words is more beautiful than embellished articles; listening to others’ words, one enjoys the bells, drums, harp, and harp. "Xunzi Feixiang"
22. There is a kind of person who often needs to talk and listen to others in order to get rid of his inner excitement. Simonov's "Twenty Days Without Sex"
23. Only when I learn to create twenty styles and rhythms in the use of face, posture and voice can I become a truly talented person. Skilled people. Makarenko's "On Communist Education"
24. He who speaks with intention and stops at the end of his mind is the best speaker in the world. Su Shi
25. Words are wordless, but actions are not far away. "Zuo Zhuan Xianggong Twenty-Five Years"
26. Your tongue is like a fast horse. If it runs too fast, it will run out of strength. Shakespeare's "Love in vain"
27. The reason why people are human is words. If a person cannot speak, why should he be a human being? Gu Liangchi's "The Spring and Autumn Annals of Gu Liang in the Twenty-Two Years of Duke Xi"
28. Language can best expose a person. As long as you speak, I can understand you. Ben Jonson's "Wood, or the Discovery of People and Things"
29. Beauty lies in words and deeds, not in abundance. "Famous Quotes" by Emperor Liang Yuan
30. Words are pictures of the soul.
"Life Motto"