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Famous physicist Hawking's life mottos and aphorisms

Scientists and prostitutes all make money doing what they like.

Even if I am locked in a nut shell, I still think I am the king of infinite space.

When I was young, my expectations became zero. From then on, everything became a perk.

If life is no longer interesting, it will be It's a tragedy.

There is hope when you are alive.

When I was old, my expectations became zero. Since then, everything has become a perk.

In order to present this icon fairly, I really A four-dimensional screen is required. However, due to budget cuts, I can only do everything possible to provide a two-dimensional screen. < p p> , Psychology is an effective model for the human body, and free will can be embedded in it. From then on, poetry dwells in time, emotions soothe people's hearts, and the flowers of art bloom.

It’s so wonderful to be able to love each other and get along well, in the world. There are thousands of people, but we bumped into each other so quickly. We bumped into each other at the corner of the alley. We tied up our shoes and stood up and met each other. We drank a cup of coffee together and fell in love with them.

C'est bien trop beau d' aimer bien et d'aimer bien, il y a des millions of gens dans le monde, mais de la lumière de la lumière, l' allée s'est heurtée, les If a person has no dreams, he will die.

Si quelqu 'un n' a pas de rêve, il est mort.

A journey full of hope is better than reaching the destination.

The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge.

L'ennemi du savoir n'est pas l'ignorance, mais l' illusion de la connaissance.

. Although the body is disabled, the mind cannot stop. Won't stop for you.

The universe has a beginning?

Does the universe have a beginning? What, if anything, happened before this?

L'univers a - t - il commencé?Que s' est - il passé?

, but it may be when you are caught off guard and still thinking about what to wear on the next date And it ended up because of incompatible personalities, different values, or even different zodiac signs and different beliefs. If you don’t have time to miss it, you will miss it. If you don’t have time to be happy, you will be sad and cry.

Mais peut - être que le prochain rendez - vous n 'est pas le prochain rendez - vous.Je n 'ai pas le temps de me manquer.

, I have noticed, Even those who claim that everything is predestined and that there is nothing we can do to change it, look both ways before crossing the street.

Eternity is a long time, special. It is about the end.

My goal is very simple, which is to understand the origin of the universe - why it is like this, Why it exists.

I am told that every equation I put into the book will reduce sales. Half. However, I did include one equation in the book - Einstein's most famous one, = - and I hope this doesn't scare away half of my potential readers.

On the off chance that you're going to have a great time, you're going to have a great time.


Einstein was wrong - he said "God does not play dice". Research on black holes shows that God not only plays with dice, but sometimes He even confuses us by dropping them out of sight.

Einstein a tort. endroit invisible.

I don't think we can continue to exist on earth for years unless we escape this fragile planet. We need to look up at the stars instead of always looking at our feet.

It’s the perfect place to stay in the future.

People have the freedom to choose to end their lives, but that would be a major mistake. No matter how bad the fate is, people should always do something. Where there is life, there is hope.

p> , I once thought that if we fall in love with someone, we will become brave warriors and no injuries will hurt. It turns out that we are all just fragile dolls. If we are pinched casually, our hearts will be shattered. We will fly down like fine snow and swing into the deep sea in the distance. But the body still lives numbly until the next time it meets love.

It's a real thing, it's a person, it's a hero. dans les profondeurs lointaines. Mais le corps est toujours en vie, jusqu 'à la prochaine rencontre de l' amour.

, No matter how bad the fate is, people should always do something, and there is hope if there is life. .

I don't think we can continue to exist on the earth for another year. Unless you escape this fragile planet. We need to look up at the stars instead of always looking at our feet.

It’s the perfect place to stay in the future.

It is generally believed that the universe has either existed in an unchanging state for an infinite time, or was created in the finite past in a manner more or less as we see it today.

> Since the beginning of civilization, people have been unwilling to regard events as unrelated and incomprehensible. They are eager to understand the fundamental order of the world. Today we still wonder why we are here? Where do we come from?

It's a civilisation, it's a civilisation, it's a home, it's a home, it's a home, it's a business, it's a business, it's a business. It's a journey. .D'où vient - on?

, I think the next century will be the century of complexity.

Traditionally, these are philosophical questions. But philosophy is dead. Philosophy has not kept pace with the development of modern science (especially physics). Scientists have become the torchbearers of truth discovery in the quest for knowledge.

Tradition is a question of philosophy. A question of philosophy. chemin de la connaissance.

You can love thoroughly in less than a minute. What we love is what love gives us. It fills our eyes so inadvertently, and love comes before you can calm down.

Il n'y a pas assez d' amour.On aim tout ce que l'amour nous donne.Il est si indésiré dans nos yeux que l'amour est venu quand tu ne t' as pas ralenti.

A time when the world can be understood and the complex events around us can be reduced to simple principles and elucidated without resorting to mystical or theological explanations.

? Understanding or not understanding is a kind of gain.

C'est une récolte.

My goal is very simple, which is to understand the universe as a whole - why it is like this and why it exists.

Mon objectif est simple, c 'est de comprendre tout l' univers.

It took human beings thousands of years to move from the obscurity of myth to the clarity of reason.

L ` humanité a dépensé des milliers d'années pour passer de la lumière du mythe à la clarification de la raison.

, I have relatives who love me and I love and Friends; by the way, I still have a grateful heart.

It is undoubtedly a tragedy that life loses its joy.

La vie est une tragédie.

Most of us don’t care about those big questions, but we are occasionally confused: Why are we here? Where do we come from? Traditionally, these are philosophical questions, but philosophy is dead.

The most important question in the grandeur is the question, the answer: Pourquoi sommes - nous ici?D'où vient - on?Traditionnellement, c 'est une question I've noticed that even people who claim that everything is predestined and that we can't change it look both ways before crossing the street. p>

, life is unfair, no matter what your situation is, you can only do your best.

La vie est injuste.

, each equation will reduce the sales of the book in half.

For the survival and continuation of human beings, it is very important that we disperse into space and live in space. There is an increasing risk that life will be wiped out by a catastrophe, such as a sudden rise in Earth's temperature, a nuclear explosion, a genetically mutated virus, or other disasters we have not yet thought of.

The whole history of science is of great importance.

, it has gradually become clear that events do not arise in random ways - they reflect some underlying order, which may - or may not - be divinely assisted.

L'histoire de la science, l'histoire de l'histoire de la science, les gens sont pressés, les événements ne sont pas générés par les moyens.

No one had ever suggested that the universe was expanding or contracting before, which was an interesting reflection of the climate of thought at the time.

Is there an end to time?

La fin du temps?

, my fingers can still move, my brain can still think; I have the ideal that I pursue throughout my life, I have relatives and friends who love me ;By the way, I still have a grateful heart.

The science of science Increasingly, the scientific statement is complete and theology is unnecessary when it comes to answering questions that have always been in the realm of religion.

Hong Kong can build a miniature black hole to handle the daily hundreds of tons of garbage to avoid environmental pollution.

The birth of a complete theory will be The ultimate triumph of human reason, for then we know the spirit of God.

The chicken comes first, the chicken comes first Or does the egg come first?

Un poulet ou un oeuf?

, God creates both geniuses and fools. This does not depend on talent, but is entirely the result of different levels of personal effort.

Dieu a créé le génie et l 'idiot.

, the second law of thermodynamics, disorder or entropy always increases with time in any closed system. In other words, a form of Murphy's Law: Things always tend to get worse.

It’s a great place to be in thermodynamique, it’s a great place to be, it’s a great place to be, it’s a great place to be. It’s great, it’s great. It’s great, it’s great, it’s Murphy: les choses changent toujours.

If only ultraviolet rays were left in the night sky. Most of the stars disappeared, leaving only a magnificent picture of the birth and destruction of stars.

I find that American and Scandinavian accents work especially well with women.

If humans do not die from cannibalism in the next few years, humans should emigrate. Planet, establish a self-sustaining space colony that does not require the support of Earth.

' appui de la terre.

The light we see from very distant galaxies was emitted millions of years ago. In the case of the farthest objects we see, the light is issued hundreds of millions of years ago. So when we look at the universe, we are looking at its past.

La lumière que nous avons vue depuis des millions d'années a été envoyée il y a dess millions d'années.Quand on regarde l'univers, on regarde son passé.

, I would like to share my excitement about recent discoveries in black holes and cosmology with my Chinese readers.

Eternity is a long time, especially towards the end. In terms of.

L'éternité est longue, surtout pour la fin.

, I noticed that even people who claim that everything is doomed and there is no way to change it, they cross the street I'll look at it before too.

Physical and mental disabilities cannot occur at the same time.

I don’t dare to bet with my colleagues on the disputes about space-time physics, because I’m afraid of them They are people from the future who came through the wormhole, and they know the standard answer very clearly.

It’s a question of concern in the temps, it’s a problem, it’s a problem, it’s a problem, it’s a problem, it’s a problem, it’s a problem, it’s a problem, it’s a problem, it’s a problem. .

My goal is very simple, which is to understand the universe as a whole - why it is the way it is and why it exists.

Mon objectif est simple, c 'est de comprendre tout l' univers.

Part of the reason may be that people tend to believe in eternal truth, but also because although people will There is comfort in the idea that the universe must be immortal and unchanging despite birth, old age, sickness and death. < p > If love hurts you, don't be sad or impatient, it will continue to hurt you. Love is the most tortured, but we still look up to it, get close to it, and even appreciate it like a pilgrim. For the best and worst times it has given us.

Si l'amour vous blesse, ne vous inquiétez pas, ne vous inquiétez pas, il continuera à vous blesser. même en lui.C 'est le meilleur moment de nous donner un cadeau.

People's deepest desire to know is sufficient reason for the continuous exploration we engage in, and our goal is precisely to A complete description of the universe in which we live.

It’s a good idea to have a healthy population and a healthy population.

, ** and scientists are the two best professions.

* * et les scientifiques sont les deux meilleures professions.

, Where did the universe come from and where is it going?

Où va - t - il?

We create history through observation, rather than history creating us.

Time travel is possible, but don't go back to the past.

Now we know that any particle has an antiparticle that will annihilate it. (For a force-carrying particle, the antiparticle is itself.) There could also be entire anti-worlds and anti-people made of antiparticles. However, if you encounter someone who is against you, be careful not to shake hands! Otherwise, both of you will disappear in a giant flash of light.

Et maintenant, nous savons qu'il y a des particules qui se détruisent avec elle.(pour les particules, les antiparticules sont elles - mêmes).Il y aussi l'ensemble des antiquités et des contre - particules .Mais si vous êtes contre vous, Ne serrez pas la main! Sinon, vous dispara?trez dans une grande lumière.

, Even if I am locked in a nut shell, I still think that I am the king of the infinite universe .

I have noticed that even those who claim that "everything is destined" and we can’t change it” will look both ways before crossing the street.

When you are faced with the possibility of dying, you realize that life is precious and you have a lot to do.

If a person has a physical disability, he must not let it happen. The mind is also disabled.

If life is no longer fun, it will be a tragedy.

Eternity is a long time, especially for the end.

Science is the crystallization and fruit of human wisdom... Looking to the future of science, mankind will hold high the torch of science and ascend to the universe. of paradise.

p>, the matter in the universe is composed of positive energy.

Substances that are essential to your health.