What do you think of this famous saying? "You can see the thoughts of a nation from its suggestions."
I agree with this sentence, because advertising, by its nature and purpose, must reflect a country's culture, desires and ideals. The purpose of advertising is to sell products by linking them with the values that people think are important in the target market. Therefore, in order to capture the hearts and wallets of local people, advertisements must be tailored to meet the exact ideas and needs of specific countries. Broadly speaking, advertisements are usually snapshots of ideal local life, characterized by ideal local people with appropriate materialistic values. They should persuade consumers to buy a specific lifestyle, whether it is family value, romantic love or fame and fortune ... For example, during the Beijing Olympic Games, many advertisements featured athletes from China. These advertisements should arouse people's patriotism and make them believe that these companies are local companies; They are one with the people, and they know the people. In short, in order to be effective, there is no doubt that advertisements must reflect the ideals of a country.