The king of Qin asked for five hundred miles of land in exchange for the fief of Anlingjun, in fact, he wanted to annex Anlingjun. It was irresistible at the time. Tang Ju was ordered to go to the embassy. With wit and courage, he faced the tyrannical and cunning king of Qin, was not afraid of violence, dared to fight and dare to fight, and was not bent by power. Finally, the king of Qin gave up the plan of Yi 'anling. Sui Tang defended the dignity of the country and accomplished its mission brilliantly.
2. Yan Zi makes Chu.
At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, Yan Zi, a doctor of the State of Qi, sent a mission to Chu. The king of Chu insulted Yan Zi three times, trying to show the prestige of Chu State. Yan Zi fought back cleverly and defended the dignity of himself and the country. The story praised Yan Zi's patriotic, witty, brave, good at rhetoric, flexible and eloquent diplomatic skills and his fighting spirit of not fearing great powers and violence. Satire arrogant, arrogant and conceited people.
Lin Xiangru was returned to Zhao intact.
Lin Xiangru returned to Zhao intact, which happened during the Warring States Period. It means that Lin Xiangru brought the flawless jade back to Handan, the capital of Zhao State, from Qin State intact, which is a metaphor for returning the original to the owner of the article intact. Lin Xiangru, the guest of Zhao eunuch Miao Xian, has been unknown. He was chosen to display his talents, which is closely related to a Baoyu in A Chinese Odyssey.
Miaoxian once spent 520 gold to buy a smooth and flawless Baoyu. He hired a jade worker to carve it. The jade worker was surprised to see this treasure jade and told him that it was a piece of jade. When the State of Chu lost Zhao Yang, it was this treasure jade that Zhang Yi was suspected of stealing.
This piece of Baoyu glows naturally in the dark, warm in winter and cool in summer. It can avoid mosquitoes and flies and is of great value. Miaoxian had told Zhao Haoqi Huiwen the news of Baoyu. The prince of Zhao asked Miaoxian for this treasure jade, but Miaoxian didn't want to give up what she wanted.
4. Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions.
In the first year of Jianyuan (BC 140), Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, ascended the throne, and Zhang Qian served as a Langguan in the palace. In the third year of Jianyuan (BC 138), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty recruited envoys to send envoys to the Yue family, hoping to unite the Yue family to attack the Huns. Zhang Qian recruited them as messengers, set out from Chang 'an, was captured by Xiongnu, was trapped for ten years, and then ran away.
I went west to Dawan, passed Kangju, arrived at Dayue's home, and then went to Daxia, and stayed for more than a year before coming back. On his way home, Zhang Qian changed from South Road to Nanshan in an attempt to avoid being discovered by Xiongnu, but he got it from Xiongnu and was detained for more than a year.
In the third year of Yuanshuo (BC 126), the Huns were in civil strife, and Zhang Qian took the opportunity to escape to the Han Dynasty, and reported the situation of the western regions in detail to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who named him a doctor too much. Because of Zhang Qian's prestige in the Western Regions, the envoys of the Han Dynasty later called him Bo Wanghou to win the trust of other countries.
5. Premier Zhou
When the American delegation visited China, an official once said in front of Premier Zhou: "China people like to walk with their heads down, while we Americans always walk with our heads held high." When this language came out, it surprised everyone. Premier Zhou took his time and said with a smile, "This is not surprising. Because we in China like to go uphill, and you Americans like to go downhill. "