1. Self-cultivation is not a name passed down from generation to generation; self-cultivation is like holding a jade; power is unyielding to one's ambition; catkin body is charming without bones; diligence is day and night; doing things only thinks of benefiting others. Accumulated virtue is worth more than gold. It is difficult to lust after wealth. The plum blossom shadow is thin and energetic. Especially those who have few regrets about their words and deeds.
2. Be wary of arrogance, the wind will be clear and the sun will be bright; be happy when doing good deeds; Dumen and other guests will be dispersed; life is full of dangers, and you urgently need to find a safe home; get rid of the turmoil and open up the sea and the sky. I saw that the strange calligrapher copied it by hand. The ancients came to spread the scrolls. Time is like a passer-by, so don’t lose sight of the owner.
3. The world in the book is vast; there are no frequent visitors in front of the door; it is better to withstand the cold in the third generation of education; there are endless things in the world, so we should learn as we grow old; the world in the writing is broad. There were no books in sight among those sitting together. Don’t stop working hard if you have a yellow paper at the fifth watch. There are so many things in life, you have to be broad-minded and broad-minded.
4. The poems do not include common sentences; they draw tranquility from the mountains and express their feelings in the water; they are thick in nature and clear in nature, but thin in lust; they are sincere and upright, and they only learn four words; they have the heart to help the world. As open-minded as a bamboo, as clear as an orchid. Straightforward thoughts, concise articles. Study, sit quietly, and work half a day each.
5. If you shoot a tiger, you will wear a stone; if you are diligent and virtuous, you will have a good friend; if it rains at night, it will rain; if you are black, you will not be diligent and learn early; if you think deeply about the way of life; if you hear a chicken, you will whip. It is good for the body and mind to read. Rhyme withstands the spring breeze. The old man regrets studying too late. Read useful books quickly.
6. There is no limit to the sea of ??learning, and diligence leads to the shore; if you learn a little, you will know a little; if you learn with spirit, you will reach the vastness; learning is like sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat; the journey has a road and ambition as a ladder. If the etiquette is sparse, people often feel indifferent. The family is clean and frugal enough to be safe. The heart is like a horse running on the plains, easy to let go and accurate to close.
7. There is no difference between the perfect person; no one can act when discussing things; living as if thinking, cultivating the awe-inspiring spirit; growing up is not an increase, being short is not a loss; those who praise it will live forever. It is deeper when there are no words than when there are words. Consider yourself successful and finish reading the book. Being independent is not ashamed of one's shadow, and sleeping alone is not ashamed of one's soul.
8. Practice tranquility and peace of mind; practice diligence can not only dispel desires; be content with the situation, but not enough in learning; have trouble with people who have liver and courage; inorganic nature. If you hear it, you will be happy to learn from it. Its Qi has something to do, but its quality has something to do not do. Reading from a place without words.
9. Books have never been read by me; I will regret the lack of books when they are used; talents are as great as lakes and seas; literature has never been great; all the wonders in the world are not as good as books; there is nothing that cannot be said to others. The boat was sailing in the middle of the river but it was too late to fix the leak. There is poetry and calligraphy in the abdomen. There is nothing more delicious in the world than the fragrance of vegetable roots.
10. When you are determined, you should know the three ancient virtues; I advise you not to cherish your gold-threaded clothes; when a bird wants to fly high, it flutters its wings first; it is good at work and hard work, and it is diligent and diligent; it is a book that starts a family. I advise you to cherish your youth. If people want to make progress, they should study early. Actions come from thinking, and thinking leads to understanding.